Bolsonaro, Macri Campaign Director | "May God …


"We do not want new Venezuelans in the region." The president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, arrived with this sentence under his arm, arrived in Argentina to campaign for the re-election of Mauricio Macri. Far from the maxim of international diplomacy that calls on heads of state not to interfere in the domestic affairs of other countries, the Brazilian leader has launched an emphatic and curious request for national elections: "God enlighten the Argentine people in the world ". next elections so that they vote with reason and not with emotion ".

Although he did not specify it, it would imply for him not to accompany the opposition proposals and, yes, the Cambiemos project financed by the International Monetary Fund. In parallel, in the afternoon, human rights organizations repudiated by demonstrating in front of the Plaza de Mayo.

After visiting the United States, Israel and Chile, among other countries, Bolsonaro finally made an official visit to Argentina. The meeting between the leaders takes place at a time when both are very weak politically, the first six months of his accession to the presidency, the six months following the end of his (first?) Term. Accompanied by a large delegation including his wife Michelle and his son, Eduardo, and whose program is extremely tight (he will have less than 24 hours in Argentina), Bolsonaro arrived in the country after 10 am.


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