Centolla fueguina, bife de lomo and malbec wine, the menu with which Macri entertained Bolsonaro


The President received his Brazilian couple with a lunch at the Casa Rosada Museum Credit: Capture Presidency


Mauricio Macri

received today
with a military guard and honors his Brazilian counterpart,

Jair Messias Bolsonaro

After two hours of meeting, he offered him a lunch at the Casa Rosada Museum, as he usually does whenever a president arrives in the country.

"The President of the Argentine Republic and the First Lady are pleased to invite the luncheon offered in the honor of His Excellency the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil and Mrs. Bolsonaro on Thursday, June 6, 2019 at 12.45 pm at the Casa Rosada Museum ", said the invitation bearing the official coat of arms of Argentina on the top of the map.

From the beginning, a roll of crab from Tierra del Fuego was served: avocado and crunchy almonds. At the time of the main course, there was a fillet of beef, artichokes, sweet potatoes, yellow tomatoes and salsa dijón. For dessert, at Casa Rosada, chocolate fondant tartin, pistachio pear and ice cream. The wine that accompanied the lunch, specially chosen by Casa Rosada, was a DV Catena malbec and a DV Catena chardonnay.

Bolsonaro arrived early today in Argentina and his first official activity of the day was to lay a wreath at the monument to General San Martin, in the square that bears his name. After lunch at Casa Rosada, the president had scheduled a meeting in the scientists' room with the authorities of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies and another meeting with Supreme Court judges in the Eva Perón room.

In the afternoon, he will be present at the closing of the seminar on the defense industry at the Embbady of


. At night he will return to the hotel to meet businessmen. From there, he will create his video program on Facebook. At the end of the day, you will dine at the Embbady, ​​return to the hotel for the night and leave for Brazil tomorrow at 6:40.


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