In the middle of the battle for Huawei, China proposes to share its technology 5G


"China wants to share its inventions and technological know-how with its partners, especially 5G technology"He stated Xi Jinping at the St Petersburg Economic Forum, the main working meeting of Russia, in the presence of his Russian counterpart Vladimir Poutine.

At the same time, Putin denounced attempts to "exclude" China's telecommunications giant from international markets,

Putin criticized "Huawei's attempts to exclude international markets".

"This is already qualified in some media of the first technological war of the digital era that begins now"Putin continued.

Huawei is in a very delicate situation since the US President's administration Donald Trump In May, he banned companies in his country from selling equipment to the Chinese group.

This decision threatens Huawei, an industrial giant very dependent on US microchips for their smartphones, according to experts.


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