discussions between the judge and the prosecutor


We talk between the judge Claudio Bonadio and the prosecutor Carlos Stornelli where they coordinate the persecution maneuvers at CFK. Impossible? This is what is happening in Brazil today, where their roles are executed by the judge Sergio Moro and the prosecutor Deltan Dallagnol and the portal L & # 39; interception revealed discussions between them where it seems that they manipulated Lava Jato's trial to show Lula da Silva, the most popular political figure in Brazil and prevent the return of the Workers Party (PT) to the government.

Moro is in Brazil what Bonadio in Argentina, the judge in charge of the judicial inquisition against Lula. Dallagnol is Stornelli, co-engineer of Moro as chief prosecutor in the Lava Jato case.

Media operations, accusations without more than the journalistic notes of the Brazilian hegemonic media, forum shopping so that the case does not end in another court, court maneuvers to prevent even that Lula gave an interview on television because that could influence the 2018 elections, that's part of what he's revealed L & # 39; interception.

With this publication, Lawfare, a process by which the main popular leaders in the region have been persecuted by the law, is naked. The leak that was released Sunday by The Intercept, whose co-founder is the famous journalist Glenn Greenwald, threatens to explode Lava Jato in Brazil, which has been touted as the biggest corruption case in the political life of the South American giant.

This megacause, among its different consequences, the former president Luis Inácio "Lula" Da Silva was imprisoned and had as a corollary the rise of the far right Jair Bolsonaro. According to the revelations – the first of a saga that will continue to give surprises – the then Moro judge led the investigation with the aim of running to Lula from the presidential race. Today, Moro is Minister of Justice of Bolsonaro.

"Exclusive: we have obtained one of the most important and important files for years: it contains the discussions, audios, videos and secret documents of the prosecutors and the judge, who is now Minister of Justice of Bolsonaro, Sergio Moro, who imprisoned Lula.It presents great irregularities, "this Sunday published on his Twitter account, Greenwlad, the same journalist who published evidence of American mbad spying through the NSA. , thanks to the documents provided by Edward Snowden. In this case, The Intercept announced that this information on Moro and Dallagnol had been provided by an anonymous source and "include years of internal files and private conversations of Lava Jato's prosecutor's team".

Lack of evidence

What emerges from the leak published by The Intercept? Among other things, the investigators' recognition of the lack of evidence proving Lula's guilt.

The paradigmatic case is that of the triplex that was awarded to the exmandatario in connection with the payment of an alleged bribe. The anti-Lula media insisted that the department was paying for facilitating multi-million dollar contracts with the national oil company Petrobras. But according to the leak, Dallagnol (that is to say the Brazilian Stornelli) He expressed doubts about the two key elements of the case: whether the property belonged to Lula and whether it had any connection with Petrobras.

Without the first check, the cause falls apart.

Without the second, that the question was related to Petrobras, The Intercept published that investigators who promoted the case should not intervene because it would have been out of his jurisdiction. A simple parallel allows us to understand the magnitude of this question: what would be the cause of the photocopies of the notebooks if it had not been in the hands of Stornelli and Bonadio? It should be recalled that the file that had been opened with the annotations of the driver Oscar Centeno and dealt with in the courts of Comodoro Py should have been drawn. The answer is obvious. The parallels persist: the ministry was not Lula's (in fact, the real owner puts it on sale) and the notebooks never appeared. Everything happened in the media and violated the rule of law.

According to the records that come to light What's "Stornelli de Lula" said?

"They will say we are accusing from newspaper articles and fragile evidence … so It would be nice if this point is well adjusted. In addition, so far, I am concerned about the link between Petrobras and enrichment, "Dallagnol wrote in a group discussion with Telegram that he had joined with other Lava Jato prosecutors. the charge against Lula was presented.

Despite inconsistencies, Moro sentenced the former president and PT referee to 9 years and 6 months in prison, a decision that opened the door for him to remove him from the race for president. Then, the exmandatario led the investigations. The conviction was quickly confirmed by a court of appeal, which extended it to 12 years and a month. Then Lula was arrested and could not participate in the general elections that took place last year.


In the files, there are also conversations between Dallagnol and Moro in which the judge then appears to advise the prosecution. Specifically, he seems to lead the research, providing advice for new lines of research. up he came to inform prosecutors in advance of some of the decisions that he was about to make.

After a month of silence from Lava Jato's work team, Moro asked: "Did not spend a lot of time without an operation?& # 39; ", revealed the interception.

"With these actions, Moro has far exceeded the ethical rules that define the role of the judge.In Brazil, as in the United States, judges must be impartial and neutral, and they are forbidden to collaborate in secret with a side in a case", Added the media which has for editor of Betsy Reed.

Moro has publicly denied repeatedly working with the prosecution team. Before the news shaking Brazil, the current Minister of Bolsonaro repeated his old strategy.

The interview that was not

In the archives, it is also clear how the prosecution conspired to boycott the PT's performance during the 2018 presidential election trying to block an interview with Lula, before the elections.

When a Supreme Court judge, Folha de Sao Paulo, the largest newspaper in the country, asked to question Lula, the group of Lava Jato prosecutors expressed his annoyance and went to court. work to obstruct it. On September 28, 2018, he began chatting in Telegram's chat how to block him.

"This was based on the fear that this decision will help Lula's party, the PT, to win the elections." On the basis of their declared willingness to prevent the PT from coming back to power, they spent hours debating strategies to prevent or mitigate the political impact of Lula's interview, "he revealed. L & # 39; interception.

One of the prosecutors, Laura Tessler, explained the urgency of stopping the decision: "A press conference before the second round of voting could help choose Haddad," he wrote. in the focus group. Fernando Haddad had already been chosen by Lula to replace him in the elections.

Another prosecutor, Januário Paludo, proposed a series of actions to prevent or minimize the interview in question: "Plan A: we could appeal the decision to the Supreme Court, without probability (of success Plan B: Open it so that everyone can interview it on the same day, it will be chaotic, but it will reduce the chances of the interview being conducted, "he wrote.

Finally, none of the prosecutors' plans were implemented: a right-wing force appealed the decision and the court suspended the authorization for the interview. The news took place in the focus group.

The repercussion

The dissemination of this information has had a considerable international impact and has upset Brazil.

The newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo He titled in his digital cover: "The messages show a collaboration between Moro and Dallagnol in Lava Jato". After having given the information to L & # 39; interception points out that "the dialogues mention the details of the accusation that sentenced Lula, the MPF sees a criminal attack".

While Moro and the prosecutors sought to mitigate the charges, various Brazilian leaders took over the information. Among them, of course, Lula Da Silva, who tweeted a link to the article "The Hidden Plot", The Intercept, which tells of how one sought to undermine his nomination to the presidency. The former president arrested added a few words: "The truth will prevail."


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