He was missing a tooth in his mouth and was found inside a testicle | Chronic


A 13-year-old boy had no molar to his mouth. Incredibly, the tooth grew in one of his testicles.

The cause of this strange disease was a teratoid tumor that appeared before birth due to stem cell failure.

The problem came from a "Genetic process during the prenatal period", reported a statement from the Children's Hospital Morozov, Russia.

"The tooth was the second molar or the seventh of the upper jaw", added the text, as published by Daily mail, Quoted by The patilla.

A medical examination revealed "something" in the testicle that looked like a kidney stone and the professionals decided to operate the patient as quickly as possible.

Surgery, "one of the rarest", according to the doctors, showed that the seventh real tooth, a molar, was pushing inside the testicle, which was missing in the baby's mouth.

The doctor who led the operation, Dmitry Tarusin, urologist and andrologist for children, commented that the intervention had been successful and that the scholar would benefit from good reproductive health when it would be great.

"Dental science knows examples of teeth growing in the lungs, but a tooth that grows in a testicle is a really unique case", the experts have finished.


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