The innovative device facilitates The healing surgical wounds and reduces the risk of infection after surgery. It's about "tilt", a self-adhesive patch with its own sealing mechanism that seeks to replace the traditional suture method, which depends to a large extent on the skill of the person who makes it.
"What we are looking for is that it's less infections on the site of the surgeries, less pain during the recoveries and better esthetic results, resulting from scars much smaller compared to those of a traditional suture ", explained the doctor Diego Fridman (MN 99 659), which developed the idea together with his colleague Pablo Luchetti and industrial designer Luciano Poggi.
The specialist explained that the product should be used "before the surgery and not after a trauma. If you cut yourself by falling on the street, you can not stand up and close, "said Fridman, adding that it is for surgery when the skin is still healthy:" we put the blade and this would serve, for example, for hernia operations or caesareans, "he said, and stated that they conceived" a prototype for laparoscopy, another need that surgeons have raised ".
As we use it
The creators explained that "at the time of making an incision, the surgeon had previously located the blade of the device on the site to use". "Thereafter, instead of using a suture or staples, two invasive methods to collect the epidermis, the doctor must execute a zipper as someone who seals a vacuum bag, facing the edges of the wound without hurting the skin until healing, "they detailed." And finally, "they're done," the whole thing is removed as any other dressing. "
When does it arrive on the market?
Inclode is expected to hit the market end of 2019, once the evaluation instances stipulated by the National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT).
What we are looking for is that there are fewer infections at the surgical site, less pain during recoveries and better esthetic results, resulting in much smaller scars.
"The invention is patented in our country and in the United States, where it is also waiting for its sanitary approval for the North American Food and Drug Administration (FDA, for its acronym), "the professionals have finished.
The EMPRETECNO initiative of the Argentine Sector Fund (FONARSEC), aimed at promoting technology-intensive enterprises, benefited from this initiative.
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