He arrived with pain and discovered a tooth in one of his testicles


June 11, 2019
– 12:06

It happened to a young Russian of 13 years old. Health professionals ensure that it is a prenatal malformation. CAUTION: Images may hurt your sensitivity

A group of doctors belonging to the Children's Hospital Morozov, Russia, they reported to have found a molar in a state of growth in one of the testicles of a patient who performed treatment for intense pain in this area.

According to statements collected by the media Daily mailDmitry Tarusin, a childhood urologist who supervised the surgery, "the patient had a tooth in the testicle, the second molar of the upper jaw, or the seventh, if counted from front to back. "


"I know this phenomenon, I even know teeth that have grown in the lungs, but a testicle is really unique"explained the professional.

"Dental science knows examples of teeth growing in the lungs, but a tooth that grows in a testicle is a really unique case," he added.


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