According to the government, the blackout would have been caused by a failure of the energy transmission system


The Government Secretariat for Energy has indicated that the mbadive blackout, which started at 7 am, was due to a failure of the Yacyretá transport system. In a press release, the authorities said the cut took place automatically, without human intervention. While de Yacyretá said that the fault it's produced in a field outside of the entity.

"The percentage of loss was high given the time elapsed, the low demand.The rest of the producers could not compensate the losses," they said.

According to the Secretariat, the process of restoring the service already started from the strengths of the system, in the Yacyretá, Chocón and Salto Grande hydropower plants. National Civil Protection had planned that complete recovery would take several hours.

"Currently, the high voltage transmission network is being restored from the Salto Grande hydroelectric power station (coastal region) and the power plants in the province of Buenos Aires, Entre Ríos and Santa Fe have been supplied. is fueled by Uruguay's demand that it cut with the Argentine system, "the government said in its statement.

With regard to the Cuyo and Central regions of the country, they are in the process of being standardized with the Los Reyunos and Los Nihuiles hydroelectric plants and other rapidly evolving thermal plants in the region. In Comahue, the recovery is delayed due to technical problems.

Meanwhile, for failure metros, trains and traffic lights are suspended. In this line, the authorities have recommended that the population stay in their homes because "it is risky to leave".

The blackout was recorded at 07:07 and concerns almost all of Argentina. Tierra del Fuego was the only province that did not have supply problemsbecause it does not depend on the national connection.

The failure extends not only in our country, but also affected Uruguay. According to the National Administration of Power Plants and Transmissions (UTE) of this country, the damage affected the entire territory. In Montevideo, there are at least 255,000 unserved users.

Yacyretá's press release

Before the information that appear in different means of communication, the entity Binacional Yacyretá informs that the origin of the power cut in the Argentine interconnection system (SADI) was generated as a result of an event in a foreign field hydroelectric plant and whose causes have not yet been identified.

The hydroelectric plant is in working order according to the forecasts for these cases, and all operational mechanisms have been activated related to a circumstance of this nature.

It is worth mentioning that before the event mentioned in the SADI, published at 7:06, Argentina time, the protection systems of the hydroelectric power station were working properly in accordance with the technical forecast. At present, the power supply normalization conditions of the hydroelectric power plant are met, according to the user instructions provided by the SADI operations center, referring to the recovery. progressive of the Argentine electrical system.

As a result, the binational entity Yacyretá categorically denies that the breakdown began in the facilities of the hydroelectric plant.


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