What is SADI, the system that collapsed and that caused the historic power outage?


SADI is the network that collects and distributes all the energy produced in the country. A few years ago, Patagonia had its own system, but in 2004, work began, and ended in 2014, linking it to the rest of Argentina. Tierra del Fuego was still without connection and for this reason, it did not suffer from the blackout.

Thanks to SADI, all the electricity generated in the production plants circulates and is distributed in the country by means of high-voltage lines.

The SADI initiative consists of two subsystems: the high-voltage electrical power transmission system and the trunk system. From there, electricity is routed to distributors who redistribute it to users.

The breakdown that caused the breakdown was caused by a connection problem between Yacyretá and Salto Grande.


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