Boeing is about to change the name of the interviewee "737 Max"


Boeing Co. is ready to give up the "Max" marks his latest 737 pbadenger plane. The decision will depend on an badessment of the responses of consumers and airlines on behalf of the aircraft tainted by two fatal accidents and a three-month ground connection.

"I would say we are open to all the information we receive," Finance Director Greg Smith said Monday in an interview at the Paris International Air and Space Show. "We are committed to doing the right thing to restore it, and if it means changing the brand to restore it, we'll take care of it, otherwise we'll tackle what's high priority."

For the moment, the leaders insist that they have no immediate plans to eliminate the name Max for nothing related to the tragedyNeither the product numbers that have marked previous generations of the company's best-selling aircraft. A change of name would be a setback for the aircraft manufacturer, who has worked hard to attract the attention of pbadengers with names such as Max and Dreamliner, as it is called the 787.

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The damage done on behalf of the company, as well as the marks of its pbadenger planes, are only one aspect of the crisis that Boeing teams are managing from an operations center. located in the Seattle area. Smith communicates daily with Executive Director Dennis Muilenburg and Greg Hyslop, who oversees the aerospace giant's engineering teams. They hired external consultants to solve the technical and brand-related issues that are among the crisis management experts Sard Verbinnen & Co.

If Boeing changes brands Max, he would accept a suggestion made two months ago by the President of the United States, Donald Trump, who tweeted that the company should change the brand of the plane under a new name. While it's up to regulators around the world to determine when the 737 Max will fly again, Boeing is trying to anticipate and plan all possible scenarios related to the unprecedented grounding that has caused the One of the worst crises of our century. aeronautical manufacturer.

The Chicago-based company knows that the ultimate success of its efforts lies in restoring the confidence of pbadengers, especially those who are wary of Boeing's best aircraft, after the two fatal accidents that left 346 lifeless pbadengers. within five months. But this is an unknown territory for a company more accustomed to discussing with airlines, legislators and heads of state. "How are you talking to this person instead 17A?" Smith said. "After all, the Boeing brand is ours."

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