Suarez replied to Fernandez: "What a lack of seriousness, I hope that they will not come back"


The election campaign of 2019 becomes hotter with the pbadage of candidates. The second of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Alberto Fernandez, was Friday in Mendoza and strongly criticized Alfredo Cornejo. The answers did not take long to arrive.

What a lack of seriousness, speak, talk, hope not to come back! In Mendoza, the dollar debt is lower than that received in 2015. The current debt does not exceed $ 1,300 million. They want to install a theme, lie. Lie ment …

– Rodolfo Suarez (@rodysuarez) July 6, 2019

The Mendoza government's ruling candidate, Rodolfo Suarez, used his personal account of the social network Twitter to respond to Fernandez.

"What lack of seriousness, let's talk about it, we hope not come back! In Mendoza, the debt in dollars is lower than that received in 2015. The current debt does not exceed 1 300 million dollars." They want to install a subject, lying. … ", commented the mayor of the city of Mendoza.

Fernandez misinformed by La Campora. Multiplied by 10 debt, if they are governing the country and the province, lying or not knowing the problems, we must redouble their efforts so that they do not come back.

– Rodolfo Suarez (@rodysuarez) July 6, 2019

In addition, he indicated that Fernández is misinformed by La Cámpora. "They multiply by 10 the debt, if in this way they govern the country and the province, lying or not knowing the subjects, we must redouble efforts so that they do not return", culminated.

Along with the candidate for governorship of Peronism, Anabel Fernández Sagasti, Alberto said that he had a "sincere affection" for Cornejo, although he made it clear that "it is clear that we have different visions ". but it would have been nice if he had not borrowed so much to clean up his accounts. "

"Leaving a more orderly province, but much more indebted to follow the logic of Macri." Accompanying is condemning Mendoza and I think he knows it. " It is a pity that he makes this decision. Mendoza deserves to have a president to get the provinces out of his problems and develop them, "said Fernández.

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