Alberto Fernández points the pocket: "We must revive the economy"


The presidential candidate by the Frente de Todos, Alberto Fernández, said the first thing to do to reach the national government is "revive the economy and warned that he did not know that "the country was leaving Macri".

Visit the province of Mendoza, noted that this province deserves "more luck than in recent years" and warned that "with Macri comes pension reform, labor reform. And that will further aggravate poverty. Let's be clear about this. We do not like that Macri continues to lie to people as he has done so far, which is why it is difficult to debate with him because he is lying. "

Accompanied by the national senator and pre-candidate to the governor, Anabel Fernández Sagasti, Fernandez stressed the need to "launch the economy". "If we do not do it, we will continue with production problems, unemployment and poverty will worsen," he warned.

Alberto Fernández, Cristina Kirchner and Sergio Mbada start the separation

At a press conference, he warned: "I do not know the country in which Macri will leave and I do not know how much will be worth the dollar, you have to take it into account, I do not like to lie and I want to be responsible Macri, but with Macri comes the pension reform, the labor reform and that will lead to more poverty, let's be clear about it. We do not like that Macri continues to lie to people like he has until now"

"This happens because the national government is not a federal government, and I am a porteño, but it is a government born from the bowels of the city of Buenos Aires, perfectly accustomed to the wealth of the city ​​and absolutely inattentive to the problems of the interior They have a centralizing and unitary look, "he insisted.I'm badyzing the situation of MendozaFernandez said "he deserves more luck than in recent years, because in addition to being faced with a tax problem like this, it would have been good not to have borrowed so much to balance his accounts and get more debt to promote the industry, "

Alberto Fernández visited the former Brazilian President Lula da Silva. In the photo, with Celso Amorim.
Alberto Fernández visited the former Brazilian President Lula da Silva. In the photo, with Celso Amorim. (Photo: Telam)

"Mendoza deserves to have a president who moves the provinces away from the problems that he has and develops them, accompanying them to Macri and condemning them." Today, there is a province that is much more beholden to follow the logic of Macri, "he said. He also talked about what is happening with "the family farming, which is not much different from what happens to pear and apple producers, although they have a bigger dimension. They face a huge problem, that international prices have deteriorated and the government has taken no action to prevent it. "

Fernández arrived this afternoon to the province of Mendoza, as part of their tours through the country's interior, to participate in a series of activities with the pre-judge of the governor Fernández Sagasti, who accompanied it to a meeting with the justicialistas of the intendants of the province to the Diplomatic hotel. At the end of this meeting, a press conference was held.

Peronism ranks behind the formula Fernández-Fernández

This Thursday, Alberto Fernández He visited former Brazilian leader Inácio "Lula" da Silva, detained in Curitiba.and at the end of the meeting, the Peronist leader badured that he "did not doubt the innocence" of the historic leader of the Workers Party. "We, the Argentinians, have a great appreciation and a lot of affection for him.Therefore, his detention does not go unnoticed.It is a man I do not doubt to be in." innocence and who has the right to be free. " I understand that he was sentenced on the basis of facts. undetermined, "Fernandez said after the visit to former Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim.

Fernandez added that the prison of the former head of state of the largest country in Latin America is "a stain that the Brazilian people do not deserve". Statements of Opposing postulants were formulated in the suburbs of the Superintendency of the Brazilian Federal Police, where Lula remains; and they were broadcast through a video posted on the official Twitter account of the Workers Party.



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