Macri: "It is wrong that the Mercosur-EU deal damages" the Argentine market – Telam


President Mauricio Macri said that "it is false" that the Mercosur-EU trade deal is undermining the Argentinean market by guaranteeing today that 39 it will "generate employment" by opening a new market of "500 million consumers" for domestic products.

"This is a fundamental year because we are going through difficult times and we are leaving them behind to reap the benefits," he said while speaking at the end of the day of the Argentine Chamber of Commerce. Medium Enterprise (CAME) the one that received the applause from the public.

He also pointed out that the government puts "SME" at the center of its policy after "they are on everyone's lips, but in the hands of anyone".

In this sense, he summoned the businessmen "to tell the world that we want to be part of it".

Macri recalled that under his administration, the law on tax benefits for SMEs had been approved, had pointed out the tax reform that would bring in 2020 the tax on profits "to 25% instead of 35% previously ", and had insisted on the adoption of laws on the promotion of technology companies and entrepreneurs, in addition to the" Single Window of Foreign Trade and Simplification of Procedures "for export.

"It's time to be brave, to excite for the capacity we have," he said.

"Let's fight so that there is no mafia-like behavior in the entire supply chain", because otherwise "we can not export".


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