They confirm the course of Andorra in the bribes of Sarmiento


According to the prosecutor and the AFIP, a Spanish study has served screen in Odebrecht Credit: Ministry of Transport

For the judge who should investigate

the bribes in the burial of the Sarmiento train,

There is not enough evidence to prosecute Ángelo Calcaterra, then owner of the construction company Iecsa. But for the prosecutor and for the AFIP, yes. Beyond the information circulating in Brazil on the Argentine chapter of Lava Jato, they indicated that the money had been spent via an account at the Private Bank of Andorra (BPA) on behalf of DSC Workshop, a Spanish architecture studio. And what do we say in Madrid? They are on the same path as local prosecutors, as rebuilt
THE NATION in the framework of the Divisional Inquiry

Bribes from Odebrecht,

led by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), which also incorporates in Argentina the newspaper

Counterpoint focuses on DSC Workshop, which served as a screen for


plans to allocate more than 34.6 million US dollars to pay bribes in Peru, Ecuador, Guatemala and Brazil between 2010 and 2012, in exchange for a 3% commission for their intermediary role, according to a confidential report from the Andorran police, who leaked the diary
The country, from Spain, in March 2018.

Six months later, the AFIP appeared before Judge Marcelo Martínez de Giorgi to inform him that they had detected payments of an amount of 4.5 million USD to DSC Workshop on a the consortium formed by Odebrecht, Iecsa, Ghella and Comsa at Santander Río Bank. The proxy of this account? Santiago Altieri, a lieutenant of Calcaterra to whom Manuel Vázquez, the leader of Ricardo Jaime, designated the payer of bribes of the project "Sarmiento".

According to the prosecutor and the AFIP, a Spanish study has served screen in Odebrecht
According to the prosecutor and the AFIP, a Spanish study has served screen in Odebrecht Credit: Ministry of Transport

The prosecutor, Franco Picardi, with this information in his hands, asked that Calcaterra and other defendants be prosecuted for the alleged payment of bribes. But Martinez de Giorgi dictated his lack of merit. He felt that there was not enough evidence to prosecute or dismiss him, which the prosecutor appealed. Now the archives of the Odebrecht Bricklaying Division to which he had access
THE NATION they show explicit allusions to the DSC related to Sarmiento's burial. Among them, two documents dating from 2011, including one in PDF format. In other words, officials in charge of "illegal transactions", confirmed by Odebrecht before the US Department of Justice, have turned to this Spanish company for at least one of their projects in Argentina.

This project is the burial of Sarmiento. Picardi obtained a copy of the contract that DSC signed with the consortium. In theory, offer their "commercial, professional and technical services". But for AFIP, this contract would be "simulated" or "fictitious" and its sole purpose would be to divert funds abroad for "misleading purposes". In addition, the information sent by the Andorran courts shows that the 4.5 million US dollars that were paid into the DSC account of this principality are returned to another account in Uruguay, through a company offshore controlled by Odebrecht. That is, they triangulated them. Consulted by
THE NATIONHowever, with Calcaterra, they defended the legality of the contract with DSC. They baderted that the study had developed a "quality control" of the plans of the work, of which it had not provided copies or evidence to the judge. His lawyers, however, submitted photocopies of plans bearing the DSC stamp, as well as the authorization issued by the National Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) to hire Spaniards for works of art. burial.

Could the DSC be convened for a lawful purpose in Argentina, contrary to what happened in Peru, Ecuador, Guatemala and Brazil? According to officials of the Spanish company, already extinct in Madrid, no. Or partially. That is to say, as they did in Ecuador, when they were tasked to write a technical report on the Baba multipurpose dam, which served as a screen for all the rest.

In the case of Argentina, they told DSC: "Odebrecht has instructed us to review some of the work related to this work, apparently to divert money from your paycheck," he said. they said, and then would qualify "hell" to which they are facing for a few years, following their appearance in the middle of the illegal transactions of the Bribery Division.

THE NATION He mentioned the possibility that the appearance of DSC Workshop in the burial project of the Sarmiento train is a screen. What is Madrid's answer? "I confirm that your understanding is correct." However, despite all the accusations against them, DSC said they were not aware of the illegal transactions.


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