Gay penguins form a family and provoke the rage of the world | Chronic


A pair of penguins of the same bad, River and Eduardo, who live in the US city's San Francisco Zoo, educated each other's children and were chosen as "exemplary parents" within the community.

According to one of the guards of the place, "homobaduality is something natural" between the birds. "They have nothing to do with confinement. They have chosen each other"he commented.

The woman said that gays and bads among flamingos, swans, frogs, lizards and monkeys.

"What makes Rio and Eduardo a top-notch couple above others is their exceptional paternal abilities, which make them fantastic and unbelievable parents, even better than couples of different bad"informed his guardian.

The first adopted son was sent to a zoo in New York, California Park participating in a population management program for these near-threatened birds, tens of thousands of which die each year as a result of the presence of oil and fuels in the ocean.

The good experience with this first egg prompted officials to badign another egg the following year. This time, Rio and Eduardo were able to "stay" with him "Chick" who is born of him. As in the case of pairs of Magellanic penguins of different bades, the tasks of hatching and caring for eggs and young are distributed.


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