They suspect that Lola's murderer committed suicide a month after the crime


Lola Chomnalez Source: archive

The data, contained in a report presented by the Chomnalez family, were corroborated by two witnesses in Rocha

Uruguayan justice investigates whether a man who committed suicide in January 2015 was the one who

He killed Lola Chomnalez,

the 15-year-old Argentine student murdered on December 28, 2014 in the city of Barra de Valizas, in the case of an inmate suspected of being the "co-author" of the homicide.

According to sources with access to the record, and as the newspaper published
The countryfrom Montevideo, this track is based on three testimonies that appear in the case and which indicated a certain Daniel V, aka the Tereso, as a possible material perpetrator of the crime. As a result of this suspect, on January 26, 2015 – almost a month after the crime – a witness heard someone say of Daniel: "Now, he will rest in peace, he carried the secret to the grave so what he did to Lola. "

Juan Raúl Williman, one of the lawyers of the Chomnalez family, explained to the Telam news agency that it was one of the survey lines collected. in the report that the complainants submitted to the Rocha public prosecutor in early May.

In this report, prepared by Argentine experts after badyzing about 5,000 pages of the case, it also included the track of Angel Moreira Marín, aka El Cachila, a motorist who had already been investigated at beginning of the investigation and that in late May, he was arrested and tried by Judge Rocha Rossana Ortega as a "co-author" of the crime of "homicide aggravated for treachery".

The magistrate specified that "the author is the one who executes the act of murder" and that, in the case of the defendant "there is no evidence that this person killed Lola with his own hands". He baderted: "What we have, it is the first conviction that he participated in the crime".

With regard to the Tereso Trail, attorney Williman said that he did not rule out anything, although he noticed that his position was to point "towards the environment of the person being treated "in an attempt to identify the material author of the crime, since the Cachila" He did not act alone. "

He also did not rule out the possibility of exhuming Tereso's body in order to match the DNA with the genetic material found in Lola's backpack, but he specified that this Was not a priority at this stage of the process and that it continues to advance on the Cachila trail. .

According to the report submitted to Prosecutor Vaz, an anonymous source provided Tereso's data, which was corroborated by two witnesses: a suspect's sister and the young woman's employer.

He said that the suspect's sister – from Maldonado Department – told him that he had killed Lola and then committed suicide. The young woman, meanwhile, said that her brother was "very aggressive", especially with women, and that he was an addict and alcoholic.

In turn, the employer – identified as being Judge Claudia – stated that the day the suspect awoke had heard a comment saying that he was carrying "the secret of the grave of what he" did to Lola ".

Lola went to Barra de Valizas on Saturday, December 27, 2014 and had stayed with her godmother, Claudia Fernández; Her husband, Hernán Tuzinkevich and his son. The 28 disappeared when he went for a walk on the beach. The 30 was found murdered about four kilometers from the house, in a dune area. He had tried to escape the race of those who apparently wanted to rape her; but they caught her, wounded her with a stab, hit her in the head and crushed her against the sand. According to the autopsy, he died of asphyxiation by suffocation.

Cachila had been the subject of a survey at the beginning of the investigation, but the badysis of the DNA was negative and they published it. Now, when he was arrested again, he admitted that he had met Lola on the beach, that she later felt "stunned" and that she had helped her discover that she "had no pulse". Then, he said, he was afraid and left. For prosecutor Vaz, Cachila was still at the scene of the crime.



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