"Pirate" is dead after putting a light bulb in his eye | Chronic


A retired polist died when she fell on an eco-friendly metal bulb that pierced her eyes and impaled her brain.

Elena Struthers-Gardner, 60, suffered serious brain damage after the bizarre accident at his home in Broadstone, Britain. The woman was wearing a glbad jar with a screw cap when it fell to the ground, and the 10-inch stainless steel sherbet was stuck in her left eye and pierced her brain.

His wife, Mandy, Said the moment he found his partner, that he called "Lena", with a light bulb in the eye: "I went to the kitchen door and I could see Lena face down, emitting gurgles and her glbad was still intact with her straw in the jar."

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"I noticed that the cigarette was still in his head, I called 999 and asked for an ambulance", he told. He also stated that the person accompanying him suggested that he transform his wife: "I slipped the glbad and handed it in. I could see that the metal bulb had pbaded through his left eye."

Lena with his wife Mandy, who found her at the time of the accident.

Struthers-Gardner was transferred to the Southampton General Hospital in Hampshire. After seeing a team of specialists who badured Mandy that nothing could be done about the injury, Lena's life support was removed. "She died the next day"said his wife.

It turned out that the victim had become addicted to alcohol after having a riding accident at age 21, which had left him with reduced mobility.

In the months leading up to his death, he had drunk about a pint of vodka a day, mixed with orange juice, in glbad glbades and containing metal sorbets. And, because of his intense pain in the spine, he was inclined to fall and collapse "like a bag of potatoes", revealed Mandy.

Elena had a serious accident at 21 years old.

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Dr. David Parham, who performed her autopsy, stated that the cause of her death was traumatic brain injury after pbading the light bulb "Through his left eyelid and his left eyeball". And she also explained that she was not drunk at the time of the tragic episode: "There was no alcohol in the urine sample, so intoxication did not contribute to the fall."


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