"The words of Aguad have hurt the Argentines" | R …


Senator Julio Cobos, former ministers Alfonsín Juan Manuel Casella and Horacio Jaunarena, as well as Ricardo Alfonsín, son of the former president, were among those who made public the rejection of the current civil servant.

"The uprising of the carapintada can not be understated any longer than it has been, it is a fact that has put democracy at risk and kept the country in abeyance," warned Mr. Cobos. Page / 12. Alfonsin was more categorical in his rejection: "Your remarks only hurt those who fought for democracy and its consolidation, for peace and against violence," Ricardo Alfonsin told Aguad via Twitter. He added: "You do not have the right to distort the story in this way, nor to aggravate the Argentineans in this way."

For his part, former Labor Minister Juan Manuel Casella told these media: "This is not true that it is a minor event" said Aguad. "It was an uprising aimed at endangering the democratic government, which created an institutional emergency, and reducing the importance of the facts is a mistake," he said.

However, he tried to justify the presence of the carapintada Aldo Rico in the military parade of Independence Day. "He was legislator and mayor for many years because of Peronism, and the legitimacy of his presence comes from this side," he said. In addition, he claimed that, due to his physical condition, he is now far from generating a risk.

Former alfonsin Defense Minister, Horacio Jaunarena, for his part stated that he did not know "what Aguad meant by the fact that the uprising of the painted face was small". "I remember that in the House of Governments, there was all the political leadership that supported the national government, as well as the trade union movement, people took to the streets to defend democracy, if it were for him. little … ", he asked on Radio La Red" If for the minister it was small, it was not for the people nor for the political leaders who supported Raúl Alfonsín, I do not share what Aguad says. "

Oscar Aguad told Radio Metro this morning that "the thing about carapintadas is an old thing, it was a small event, which, I think, did not put democracy in check". In addition, he justified Rico's presence in the July 9 parade.

Before consulting this plea, Manuel Garrido said: "What Rico committed is a crime against the Constitution". "Their presence in the parade and, even worse, their minimization by the Minister of Defense is a terrible institutional message, especially for generations who have not experienced what was happening at that time when democratic institutions were in failure, "he added.

The radical political scientist Gonzalo Arias also rejects the statements. "The uprising of the carapintada was not a" small "event and the democratic life of our country was really at stake," he wrote on Twitter. "These words are undoubtedly a grievance for the memory of Raúl Alfonsín and for the brave performance of Horacio Jaunarena at that time that had put the whole country in suspense."

In the meantime, the Ministry of Defense has been forced to state in a brief statement that its owner "reiterates its historical repudiation of the 1987 Carapintada uprising in Campo de Mayo and rejects any change in the Democratic order or attempted behavior against institutionality ".

After the widespread rejection of its statements, the Defense points out that Aguad's words "were misinterpreted".


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