Video: a summary of what José Luis Espert said during his stay at MDZ


"We must blow everything up," says economist and presidential candidate José Luis Espert, who was this week with his running mate, Luis Rosales, on MDZ Radio.

In an interview not to be missed where everything was mentioned, the "profe" Espert accused Kirchnerism, macrismo, trade mafias and explained why it should not be seen as an option between crack but as the real future President of the nation.

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"We have a lot of support among youth and teenagers who commit acts that lead to their parents," says the Liberal economist to realize that his presence in this general election will not only consist of testifying, but to impose a majority vote in power the Peronist opposition.

Viewing this 4-minute summary so you do not miss any of the most important concepts you have left on your way through Mendoza.

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