The World Bank Approved $ 500 Million Financing for Argentina – Telam


The World Bank Board today approved a new $ 500 million grant "to support Argentina in its economic recovery process to promote inclusive growth led by the private sector".

The World Bank announced today in a statement, noting that this loan completes budget support of US $ 1,000 million, the first disbursement being made in November 2018.

The project supports the implementation of public policies that promote inclusive growth and contribute to the protection of the most vulnerable, with two central objectives: to consolidate the foundations for private sector led growth and to strengthen social protection networks and social protection. 39, equity of society. fiscal policy.

"In order to protect the most vulnerable households, we seek to mitigate inflationary effects by maintaining the power to purchase social programs such as Universal Allocation for Children (AUH), and we continue to support efforts to provide health services in a fair way, the provinces, "said Jesko Hentschel, director of the World Bank for Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.


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