Thousands of Irish breeders have protested against the agreement between the European Union and Mercosur


Protest Irish Livestock Breeders Agreement on Mercosur European Union

This timewe 3 thousand breeders complains of the double standard of the Community authorities, which demanding strict environmental standards for European farmers but they want to let in country meat with less restrictive regulations.

As reported euronews, the repair of the mbadive entry of South American meat is also shared by the Spanish, Italian, Polish and French producers.

For this reason, farmers headed for the Irish Parliament and piled muddy boots on the building's door as a symbol of protest against the agreement.

The agreement, whose negotiations lasted 20 years, covers markets totaling around 780 million consumers, representing a quarter of global GDP.

For its part, Paris has made it a condition to give the go-ahead to the Mercosur countries so that they respect the Paris agreement on climate change while establishing sanitary conditions and ensuring the protection of the countryside. French.


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