Trump prepares a "hunt" that terrorizes undocumented migrants – Telam


The threat of US President Donald Trump to launch a real hunt this weekend among undocumented immigrants terrorized thousands of families who fear being separated and led opposition leaders to reject the "brutality" of this idea, reported today the local press.

The New York Times, which quotes government officials it has not identified as a source, said there would be raids in at least 10 major cities across the country to capture undocumented immigrants and their families next Sunday.

Hunting, in a country of at least 12 million people living irregularly, will be handled by the Immigration and Customs Agency (ICE) staff,

The CIE will focus on looking for about 2,000 immigrants who already have an eviction order and have escaped the hearings. But the New York Times said that "the authorities could stop immigrants who are in the area even when they are not wanted."


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