Edi Zunino: "If Cristina was imprisoned by this memo, maybe Pichetto could accompany me"


Miguel Ángel Pichetto considered this Thursday, July 11 before the authorities of the DAIA, that he Memorandum of understanding with Iran It was not a crime. The national senator, a congressman who approved in 2013 the pact aimed at trying the alleged perpetrators of the AMIA attack, said that the agreement signed by Cristina Fernández de Kirchner "It was a political mistake" not judicious.

The president of DAIA, Jorge Knoblovitz, he received the new candidate for the position of Vice President of Mauricio Macri at the headquarters of the entity and he blamed this support for the pact. Pichetto admitted that he had approved the bill because it was part of the decision of the time and he accompanied the decision. "It was a mistake of international politics," he said.

Edi Zunino devoted his column to the subject. Sitting in the studio of RADIO PROFILE, director of digital and audiovisual content, said: "Yesterday, Miguel Ángel Pichetto tried to self-criticize before the authorities of the Jewish community for the signing of the controversial memorandum with Iran, which he had approved as chairman of the Kirchner bloc in the Senate in 2013 "

"He said at this meeting with DAIA, that this memorandum was a political mistakebut clarified that political mistakes are not judicial, apart from that in the memorandum itself, there was no crime.

"Pichetto had been even more emphatic in October 2017 when he had been summoned by Judge Bonadio to testify in the case regarding the alleged cover-up of the AMIA bombing." he said under oath. this allowed the advance of the judicial cause by the attack to the Jewish Mutual, "recalls the journalist.

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"This judicial declaration, like today's political statements, does not only serve the interests and defense of Cristina Fernández de Kirchnerbut they discredit the seriousness of the late prosecutor Alberto Nisman, who died in strange circumstances a few hours before appearing before Congress to denounce the same memorandum of understanding with Iran, "he said.

Zunino commented: "Look, what curiosity, Pichetto, as a senator of the PJ, was a key element so that Cristina did not lose her privileges at the request of the same Judge Bonadio. Now a candidate for the position of vice president of Macri, he returns to give a hand to CFK during the election campaign. "

"If Macri won the presidential elections and Pichetto was elected vice-president of the Nation, Cristina will take on the role of senior guarantor in the Senate, which is now presented as a counterpoint and the main electoral enemy. if Cristina was imprisoned by this memo, Pichetto might have to accompany her as she had signed and emphatically endorsed it."He concluded.



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