VIDEO – Then the United States captured a narcosubmarino that was carrying more than a ton of cocaine


A spectacular pursuit in the peaceful waters of the United States Coast Guard ended with the capture of a submarine narco, seizing more than a ton of cocaine from the United States. worth $ 232 million and the arrest of all its occupants. Authorities launched an operation after receiving information on the departure of a vessel from the Punta Ajicito sector in the Colombian department of Valle del Cauca.

Before the submarine managed to escape to escape, three Coast Guard officers jumped on its structure, as shown by a video filmed by the same authorities and widely reproduced by police. international agencies. On the images, one can see one of the guards hitting the hatch of the fist before the man who was inside opens it and surrenders.

The destination of this drug was Panama, Mexico and the United States, reported the Russian news portal Russia Today (RT). During the inspection of the boat, 1,247 kilos of cocaine were found which, like members of the crew, were placed under the orders of the Colombian prosecutor.

In 2019, the Pacific Naval Force, through the "Poseidon" Drug Enforcement Task Force and Coast Guard units, seized approximately 65 tons of cocaine, as well as stopping 52 ships and 15 semi-submersibles. Coca leaf crops in Colombia fell in 2018 for the first time in six years, although the decline is only half a percentage point, according to an estimate released June 26 by the White House. .


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