Wolff: "I do not agree with Pichetto on the subject Memorandum" – Telam


The deputy for change, Waldo Wolff, said today that "no" coincided with the vice-presidential candidate for Together for Change, Miguel Angel Pichetto, on the issue of the signing of the memorandum with the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Iran, after Pichetto declared that it would be "Justice You Should Investigate" if it was an error or a crime.

"I do not agree with Pichetto on the subject of the memorandum: Pichetto has been a candidate for a month and from the day his pre-candidacy was known, I wrote three tweets saying that" I have not been in the running. he respected the decision of the President (Mauricio Macri), that the opening was correct.the political space, but in the matter of the memorandum does not agree with Pichetto, "he said in statements to Latina FM.

This is how the legislator evoked the statements of the candidate, who yesterday felt that Kirchner had committed no crime by signing the memorandum with Iran to try to clarify the attack against AMIA, by placing this fact as an "error of an international political nature". .

"It can be shared or not, in the light of the events, it was wrong and justice itself declared the memorandum unconstitutional, but I do not see any illegal activity on the part of those who promoted this agreement and I Have even declared as a witness in the case ". "Case Memorandum", where former President Cristina Fernandez is accused of concealment, said Pichetto yesterday.

He added that "the justice will be instructed to investigate whether it was a crime or an error" to sign this agreement.
For the vice president and former director of the DAIA, "the only way to resolve this lies in the framework of due process".


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