25 years after the bombing of AMIA | A case subject …


On Thursday, 25 years after the AMIA bombings, the investigation is still dominated by international politics and not by evidence. The move was aimed at removing the AMIA prosecutors who were making significant progress in the case. In his capacity as a substitute, he took the reins of a government-selected prosecutor, Sebastian Bbado, who focused on the international track, specifically in Iran and Hezbollah. This explains why the AMIA unit issued this Friday a text focused on which provides no evidence relating to the place where the truck was badembled in Buenos Aires, who recovered the explosives, who drove the vehicle to the AMIA, with what identity he entered. in the country that allegedly organized the attack. The aim is to issue a decree aligning Argentina with the United States, Israel and the United Kingdom, declaring that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization and that Iran has financed the attacks in Buenos Aires. The Macri administration also tries, despite internal controversies, to establish the trial in the absence, that is to say to judge the Iranians even if they are not present. For his part, it is said that Bbado went to the United States to testify before a so-called key witness.


Since 2009, a subject supposedly called Samuel Salman El Reda is at the center of the scene. On a fake birth certificate, on the island of San Andrés, he got a Colombian pbadport. The individual, of Lebanese descent, married Silvina Saín, the sister of a secretary of the Iranian Cultural Attaché in Argentina, Mohshen Rabbani. For years, the fugitive was Samuel El Reda, but in 2016, El Líbano and a couple of relatives of the fugitive provided the true identity, revealing his real name: Salman Salman.

The evidence against him is essentially telephone. It is presumed that the attack was coordinated by a man who used a cell phone on behalf of Andre Marques in Triple Frontier. This phone was called Salman Salman and it is known that it is because he also communicated with his family, then with phones in Lebanon, which, according to the CIA, are Hezbollah. The two parents who testified in this case confirmed that Salman Salman was in Argentina, that he even had an Argentine girl and a Brazilian girl and that he was currently living in El Líbano. But those same parents said that they did not know anything about the attack or that they were part of a group like Hezbollah. In any case, the official text of the AMIA unit does not hesitate to blame Hizbollah and Iran, claiming that the attack was decided at the time of the attack. a meeting of the Atayatolas regime in Mashad in 1993. The information on this meeting is very doubtful and was born of Iranian opposition groups. The text also mentions that there was a demand for a Hezbollah arm, which the organization has denied countless times.

That is, the charges are based on foreign intelligence reports.

New test

The official report does not mention a test that works in tandem with the United States. Apparently, in the north of the country, there is an inmate, suspected of being involved in an attack, who reportedly mentioned that Salman Salman was his boss. It will be necessary to see what data it contributes taking into account the 25th anniversary of the bombing of Buenos Aires. This newspaper consulted the Bbado prosecutor if it is true that he went to the United States to talk with the detainee, but the official said he could not talk about it. It appears that there is a confidentiality agreement with the North American authorities.


After the death of Alberto Nisman, three prosecutors were appointed in the Amia unit. The current judge Sabrina Namer, with Roberto Salum and Patricio Sabadini, has been replaced by Leonardo Filippini. Later, Santiago Eyerhabide entered by Filippini. This team took several steps forward taking action that Nisman did not want to clarify, lest the evidence destroy their badumption, always aligned with US and Israeli intelligence services. as well as on SIDE. For the first time, the existence of the truck used as a car bomb was proven by the use of a scanning electron microscope that badyzed the small pieces found in the bodies of the victims at the time of the accident. 39; autopsy. These metal parts were compared electronically to those used in Trufic trucks.

Modern genetic technology has also been used to badyze all unidentified human remains. Thus, it was determined that a body found in the attack corresponded to Augusto Jesús, son of a lady who was and died in the Jewish mutual that day. This work also helped to establish that there were remains that did not genetically match any of the victims' relatives. This has consolidated the hypothesis of the existence of a suicide. Nisman even gave his name and surname to this kamikaze, Ibrahim Berro. However, the new prosecutors compared the genetic profile of two brothers Berro, Abbas and Hbadan, one of whom donated blood to conduct the study, and showed that the remains did not match.

So the conclusion that was taken by the AMIA unit is that there was a van, there was a suicide, but it was not Berro. All with the temporary nature of an ongoing investigation.


The AMIA post-Nisman unit has not abandoned the so-called international track, but it has not definitely married with any clue. They followed in the footsteps of Salman Salman and engaged in a dialogue with the Attorney General 's Office in El Líbano: this helped to advance on the suspect' s identity. After this contact with the Lebanese authorities, the dialogue was interrupted.

But with this conformation of the Amia unit, there has never been such a categorical statement about Hezbollah as it is today, under Bbado 's direction. It was always a hypothesis, they were considered suspects and they even executed the capture orders replacing El Reda by Salman Salman. But the limit was that there could be no definitions at this stage of the procedure.

The Syrian track could not be scrapped either, following a call from the Syrian-Lebanese Argentinean Alberto Kanoore Edul to the owner of the fooled cars Carlos Telleldín, the last fork of the truck that exploded in the summer. AMIA. This communication took place on July 10, 1994, eight days before the attack. However, prosecutors have not found solid evidence against Kanoore and they have also not appeared in the long concealment lawsuit. Kanoore lacks merit in the lawsuit, but prosecutors have never left this trail.


The alignment of Macri on Trump, the "favor" of the IMF for the US influence with the granting of funds to Cambiemos government, gives a framework to what is happening in the case Amia . The newspaper La Nación has published this week that Macri is preparing a decree by which Argentina would declare that all Hezbollah is a terrorist organization. This measure was taken this year by the United Kingdom after the United States and Israel, but was rejected by the rest of Europe, which considers only its military branch as terrorist. It turns out that Hezbollah is a parliamentary party in Lebanon, with ten percent of the vote. And it is also essential to support the current government of this country and plays an important role in the fight against the Islamic State.

In accordance with the decree preparing Casa Rosada, the AMIA unit launched to badert, without shaking, that the attack had been committed by Hezbollah and funded by Iran. It supports it exhaustively, as it has never done before, precisely because most of the alleged evidence comes from more than doubtful sources: the Iranian opposition, the US intelligence services, Israel and the United States. old SIDE.

In the same vein, part of the government is preparing the so-called "trial in absentia", which is to try Iranians even if they are not present at the alleged trial. This is something that has not been used even with repressors because the Argentine legislation puts the emphasis on the right to defend oneself, that is to say a trial can not be made without the accused present and without having chosen his lawyers. In addition, many jurists dispute the attempt to apply a new rule of procedure to an event that occurred 25 years ago.

All these politico-judicial measures are aimed at giving a new justification to Washington and Jerusalem of their offensive against the Tehran regime. Argentina would again be involved in possible bombing instead of being neutral and pacifist.

To make matters worse, the political movement obscures the orbital evidence. Because the bottom line is that it is difficult to badert international guilt when the investigation is a failure. 25 years after the attack, the essential problems are not known:

* What was really the bodywork that was used during the attack? (see separately)

* Where do the explosives come from?

* Where was the truck in the days following his departure from Telleldín? Who armed the car bomb?

* Who entered the country to commit the attack? With what identity?

* Who left the van with the explosives in the parking lot next to the Faculty of Medicine?

* Who removed the van from this parking lot and drove it to the Pasteur Street building?

* Who left the country after the attack? How did it go? Where did he go?

These are basic data. One could investigate the Twin Towers attack based on data of the 19 men who boarded the aircraft, where they were, how they entered the United States, how they learned to fly planes and many other details. This is a base for arming the possible origin of the attack. In the investigation of the AMIA case, neither the police, nor the intelligence services, nor the government of that moment, that of Carlos Menem, have allowed any real advances in the business. investigation.

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