Cruelty to animals: they gave poisoned food to several shelters and killed more than 20 dogs


Foundations in charge of animal rescue in Quito, Ecuador, are on alert. Last Friday, they experienced an episode of unprecedented animal cruelty. More than 20 dogs, from three different shelters, died after being fed a poisoned balanced diet. The food had been received as an anonymous gift.

The members of the Animal Action Equator Foundation confirmed that they had lost three dogs and that at least five of them had been interned in serious condition. "We are studying how that happened," they detailed during a dialogue with local media. According to the team of volunteers, they received the food in a sealed pouch.

The refuges had received as a donation a balanced poisoned food. Credit: Facebook
The refuges had received as a donation a balanced poisoned food. Credit: Facebook

In a video posted on Facebook, María Alejandra Reyes of the Lucky Bienestar Animal Ecuador Foundation reported that eight animals had died in her shelter. "We do not know which collection centers the food comes from or whether it is people who give it directly here," he said.

According to the woman, one of the puppies He spent several hours suffering while others died in 25 minutes. In addition, six dogs were hospitalized. Some of them are stable.

Reyes maintained that the veterinarian's diagnosis was "poisoning". "We do not know what kind of poison, we will do the badysis and we will pronounce when everything is finished, "he added in the video.

At least 20 dogs, from three different shelters, died after eating balanced poisonous food. Credit: Facebook
At least 20 dogs, from three different shelters, died after eating balanced poisonous food. Credit: Facebook

From the EC Life Life Defense Foundation Foundation, the most affected by the situation, they said they lost 13 dogs. "We are destroyed trembling without understanding anything", they said in a publication on social networks.

The episode changed so much for the community that it happened to the mayor of the city, Jorge Yunda. On your Twitter account, the official repudió what happened and said that the municipality are available for shelter. "We provide our Urbanimal Quito hospitals and all the help they need," he wrote.


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