The "Russian Hulk" can not bear the pain and asks for help: he does not want his arms amputated


The life of Kirill TereshinAt the age of 22, she turned 180 degrees when she decided to inject a homemade mixture into her arms to pretend that she had bigger muscles. Although he achieved his goal, the compound that he used resulted in serious health problems. The doctors had warned him that amputation is the only solution. Desperate, the young man asked for help to avoid surgery.

In social networks, he became known as "Russian Hulk". According to local media, the boy had injected a substance consisting of oil, silicone, benzyl alcohol and lidocaine. In just 10 weeks, his biceps reached 58 centimeters in diameter.

Although he was initially proud of having achieved this aesthetic transformation, Kirill has now confessed that he was suffering from many pains and was afraid of losing his arms.

Kirill Tereshin injected a house mix into his arms to make him look bigger. Credit: Central European News
Kirill Tereshin injected a house mix into his arms to make him look bigger. Credit: Central European News

Constant injections caused him tissue fibrosis followed by necrosis which has affected your health "For the moment, my arms are in very bad shape and they blush"he explained.

This type of home procedure can cause pulmonary embolism, nerve damage, infections, cysts or ulcers in the muscles. The same young man admitted that as soon as he had started to inject the mixture, he had fever and very bad discomfort.

Kirill Tereshin wants to avoid amputation and that is why he is raising money for an alternative treatment. Credit: Central European News
Kirill Tereshin wants to avoid amputation and that is why he is raising money for an alternative treatment. Credit: Central European News

Russian media want to avoid amputation, because he does not imagine his life without his arms. "I organized a fundraiser with a doctor in Europe to help me find an alternative treatment," he said. The cost of this It would be 37 thousand pounds.


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