Go to the offensive | Opinion / The election campaign


Noisy axes for the presidential campaign in Argentina

"Because I do not grease trees

They call me abandona 'o …

If I like them ring,

Why do I want to oil you? "

(Atahualpa Yupanqui, "The axes of my basket")

The incisive note of Martín Granovsky in the Sunday edition of Page 1 2 raises serious questions about the current political campaign. One of the crucial claims of this article is that the government has mobilized its three main weapons to attack the opposition, with the uncooperative cooperation of the media oligarchy (not journalistic, as they have for some time abandoned this noble profession to become political agents). and federal justice, which coordinates its rhythms with the needs of the campaign. The first when, by pure coincidence, begins a miniseries dedicated to the "Tiger Veron", syndicalist of the guild of the meat, in a happy coincidence with the virulent attacks uttered by the president himself and the president of the board of directors. administration Government of Buenos Aires. Just a coincidence, do not think badly. And a federal judge of Commodore Py, also by chance, decides to summon Alberto Fernandez so that he decides on the protocol of agreement Remanido with Iran. And Casa Rosada strengthens this mafia-bribery badociation by preparing to entertain Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State for Donald Trump during his imminent visit to Argentina, by promulgating a decree declaring Hezbollah a "terrorist organization." The absurdity of all this is that this political force occupies several ministerial positions in the government of El Líbano, a country with which Argentina maintains friendly diplomatic relations. This is a barbasada more than a lot that has engaged the current government to please the empire.

The ruling party, however, attacks without any moral scruples and the Todos Front "avoids or rejects the attack", as Granovsky rightly points out. What I mean in this note is that in this way: dodge or repel, the TTF is set in a clearly defensive posture that ends in an inexorable defeat. Avoid talking about the past will have the same effect, because without recalling it and denouncing the endless succession of lies uttered by this government, it will be difficult to convince broad sectors of the electorate, still undecided, not to reiterate the mistake committed in 2015 while they believed with the election of Macri, an "investment rain" that would never come would be spilled on this country; the poverty that only increased would end; it would remove the income tax of workers and pensioners, which has been ratified; that the badets of retirees and pensioners would be improved, while it was exactly the opposite that would occur; that millions of jobs would be created, when they would be lost by hundreds of thousands; that three thousand nurseries would be built and would finish construction 109 and that there would be other nebulae 877 supposedly under construction; that PAMI is a disaster zone that no longer offers the protection of the past to our grandparents; that there are hundreds of thousands of children without the necessary vaccines; that there are in the province of Buenos Aires schools closed for lack of heating or that explode because of defective installations, making the life of teachers blinding; that tariffs are raging; that we live under uncontrolled inflation; that real wages have collapsed; that factories and SME shops are closing everywhere; that we have fallen into a senseless and "eternal" external debt with no other result than to finance the flight of capital from friends and companions of the regime; that left the Falkland Islands liberated at the option of London; that we have a foreign policy dictated by the White House and an economic policy managed by the IMF. Faced with so many aberrations, and there are many others, how not to talk about the past? How not to project day and night, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, videos and recordings that attest to this huge disappointment perpetrated by Cambiemos and its leaders? How can we not remember Macri's words in his debate with Scioli? How not to denounce the plot between federal justice, spying services, the media sewer that poisons us and the influential figures of the government to devastate with the rule of law, to demonize opponents policies and silence dissenting voices?

I call on the memory of anyone who reads this to verify that I do not lack in the least to the truth. I tell you more: I have been careful and sober, avoiding for lack of space to detail all the damages and grievances produced by the current government. And also not to insist on the two main clusters on which lies the last axis that Macri reserves in case of re-election to national self-determination and the Argentine democracy: a new pension reform that, in reality, will clearly mean the the disappearance of retirement as a right, just like what is happening in Brazil today; and a labor reform that eventually installs the "Walmart model" of businesses without unions or collective bargaining, with which our people would be defenseless against the abuses of the white-collar raiders who rule us today. That's what's coming and Macri has already announced it. How not to warn about this imminent threat?

I do not rule out that, given the widespread and dangerous confusion between "triumphalism" and "optimism", who reads these lines may think that I am exaggerating. Those who have read my work or know me know that I am an incorrigible optimist. But triumphalism is not the son of optimism but of irrational confidence in the allegedly conscious role of economic hardship, which would inexorably tilt the majority vote in favor of the opposition. The economics that underlies this attitude has no basis in reality, because the economic difficulties of the subjects are always mediated by cultural and psychosocial factors. The belief, quite common in some sectors of the lower clbades, that "we have to pay for the Kirchner party" illustrates what we have said. Abandoning the battle of ideas and blindly trusting the supposedly progressive political productivity of the crisis is a blunder. "Triumphalism" is the expression of this error. Recall that the climate that was installed in mid-2015 with the results we observe is badociated with a good dose of arrogance.

The vigorous denunciation of all this, the lies of the government and its false and demagogic promises must be the focus of the FOT campaign. Poems that should seem very strong, as Yupanqui's poetry says, to awaken a people that seems sleepy and anesthetized by the dictatorship of the media and political disenchantment. I say "it seems" because there is probably an ocean of substance that can trigger a political tsunami that defeats the most serious Argentine government from 1983 to today. But for this to happen, opposition leaders, without distinction of party identity, must speak clearly, go on the offensive, invoke popular protagonism and denounce, one by one, the lies and false promises of opposition. a government to commit suicide would like to choose again. And it is a task that must begin now, without further delay. Do not wait until October. In PASO, much of the presidential election is played, far more than you usually imagine.


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