San Isidro inaugurated the new municipal hospital for mothers and children


The municipality of San Isidro inaugurated the new hospital for mothers and children with a guardian of 1,100 square meters. More modern and equipped to European quality standards, it is located on Haedo at 500, San Isidro. This is a work that has been done in collaboration with the provincial government of Buenos Aires (see Key Improvements).

"It is the most complex medical hospital in the entire northern region, serving children from all regions of Greater Buenos Aires. it was essential to extend and equip it with the most modern technologies. It's a top-notch job for this model hospital, "he said. Mayor Gustavo Posse during the inauguration.

"We are proud of this hospital and the decision made by the governor, Maria Eugenia Vidal, to invest in this tremendous work that will benefit thousands of children and their families," he said. declared. Mayor Gustavo Posse. More than 300 patients a day go through the maternity ward. With 28 specialties and 180 doctors, it receives about 274,500 consultations per year and carries out nearly 2,000 deliveries.

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Pablo Moreno, Chief of Emergencies, added: "1100 square meters are dedicated to emergency care in children. Everything is equipped with advanced technology and ancillary services, in accordance with the international sanitary regulations in force ".

Ecologically sustainable, the new caretaker has a solar-powered air conditioning system with rooftop panels that filter air into the hospitalization area (to prevent the spread of disease), achieve a saving of 60% of the energy consumed.

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"This work looks beautiful and modern. I thank the municipality that takes care of the boys. I take my baby to this hospital and they take care of it wonderfully. There are trained professionals with a human commitment, "said Luís Claudio, a resident of San Isidro.

Main improvements

► Waiting room of 123 m2 with street views and natural lighting, as well as tablets for use by children waiting to be served.

► Air conditioners powered by solar panels.

► Shock room with three beds and all the necessary equipment to take care of critical patients.

► 5 computerized clinics and 2 isolations for patient care.

► 16 observation boxes for short stays in case of emergency with toilets.

► Second observation room with 5 additional boxes with bathrooms.

► Beds with high-tech hospital panels and multi-parameter monitors.

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► Patient admission area: integrated by the Emergency Secretary and the Triage Office.

► A new area for doctors with bedrooms, dining room and kitchen.

► Inner courtyard with vertical garden so that patients have access to natural light.

► Exclusive entrance by ambulance for emergencies.

► Easy to clean sanitary finishes, which prevent the accumulation of bacteria and germs.

► Windows and windows placed hermetically to prevent the accumulation of polluting elements.

► All rooms have terminal filters that ensure access to filtered air, thus preventing the spread of intra-hospital diseases.


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