After the controversy, FaceApp gives the face: the signature behind the application issued a statement


FaceApp, the application for smartphones badyzing by artificial intelligence the photo of a face and projecting its age (or its childhood or bad, among other filters) during the last hours played by FaceApp, is comparable only to: the controversy generated around the risks for the private life which implies its use.

What is certain is that some possibilities that developers evoke in terms of service use raise some concerns among those most interested in privacy. Download all photos? Do you keep copies? Access to personal data? These are some of the most listened concerns of this application, founded by a Russian company.

"We receive many inquiries about our privacy policy and, therefore, we would like to provide some points explaining the basic concepts:

1. FaceApp performs the essential of processing photos in the cloud. We only upload a photo selected by a user for editing. We never transfer any other image from the phone to the cloud.

2. We could store a loaded photo in the cloud. The main reason is the performance and the traffic: we want to make sure that the user does not load the photo repeatedly for each editing operation. Most images are removed from our servers within 48 hours of the download date.

3. We accept user requests to delete all your data from our servers. Our support team is currently overloaded, but these requests are our priority. For faster processing, we recommend that you send requests from the FaceApp mobile application using "Settings-> Support-> Report a bug" with the word "Privacy" in the line. object. We are working on the best user interface for this.

4. All FaceApp features are available without login and you can only log in from the setup screen. As a result, 99% of users do not connect. therefore, we do not have access to any data to identify a person.

5. We do not sell or share user data with third parties.

6. Although the core of the R & D team is located in Russia, user data is not transferred to Russia. (Consulted by TechCruch, the founder of the application, Yaroslav Goncharov, said use the servers of Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud).

In addition, we would like to comment on one of the most common concerns, namely the ability to download all the pictures from the photo gallery of a smartphone to our servers after the user has granted the & # 039; s Access to photos. We do not do that. We only upload a selected photo for editing. Everyone can check it quickly with any of the tracking tools available on the internet. "


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