Can you find love and sex at 100 years old? The informative story of John and Phyllis


John and Phyllis Cook, a couple aged 102 and 100, were married. The two widowers met at the Kingston residence in Ohio where they live and their advanced age has not been a hurdle to take the plunge, hailed from the residence's Facebook page with an irrefutable message: "It's never too late to find love"

After a year of relationship, Phyllis, a very pious Christian, wanted to get married to formalize the situation. The couple went to court to ask for the marriage certificate and he they were told that they could marry them immediately. "It was not what we had planned, but we were there and they said that they could get married there, so I said," Okay, let's go, " said John at the Ohio chain. WNWO.

"To be honest, we fell in love with each otherSays Phyllis, who will turn 103 in August, and he repeated: "I know it seems like it may be exaggerated for someone of our age, but we fell in love with one another. on the other. "Yes, in fact, as Phyillis says, this seems to be much exaggerated and if you think this couple is a mixture of mutual need (although both keep their respective homes within the residence ), because many people still identify love with the feeling of fifteen or twenty years.

"They sell us a crush, love at first sight, this idea of ​​losing the head for the other, but there are other forms of love," says the psychologist and bad therapist Patricia J. Diaz. "Love, as the sentence says, does not have an age. What changes is the way. It's not the same as falling in love with reason, so hormonal, in which serotonin and adrenaline come into play, which leads us to boiling with pbadion and even obsession. Over the years, you change what you ask a couple, you seek stability, support, a person with whom you are comfortable, things you do not ask at the age of 15 years old. And not for that reason, it's less love, "adds the specialist.

Often, when we find couples who find love in old age, the subject is treated in the media and in groups of friends in a tone of buffa, as if the infatuation of two elderly or already settled in old age was more of a joke that a tangible reality. That's what happened when it was learned that Mario Vargas Llosa (then 79) and Isabel Preysler (64) were forming a couple. Even a media specializing in economics used an image of the two to illustrate the news that pharmaceutical companies Pfizer (Viagra) and Allergan (Botox) were studying fusion.

Something similar happened when Maria Teresa Campos (73 years old at the time) started a relationship with Edmundo, the popular comedian of the past, Bigote Arrocet (64 years old). The journalist sarcastically commented on whether her relationship was platonic: "There is a false belief that there is no badual life after 65 years. You'd be surprised how much this thing is preserved because we think that when we get older, it's already a waste. Good of this nothing. "

"Sex is a dimension that accompanies us throughout our lives, from our birth until our death ", explains the badologist Patricia J. DíazDíaz." What happens is that at the social level, there is no relationship model with the elderly. They do not introduce themselves into advertising, they do not appear in fiction … All the bad we see is that of young people. It seems to have disappeared over the years and not at all. "

The specialist sees in these prejudices a certain influence of Judeo-Christian morality, which has reduced baduality to reproduction. "It seems that baduality purely coital and devoted to the design is the only valid"he explains. He adds: "Give us pleasure, joy and most of all, communicate what bad serves, communicate affection, love and desire never goes away, unless it 's d & rsquo; a pathological aging in which you do not lose baduality, but the ability to communicate. "

In this respect, John Cook's answer to the question of what he likes to do with his new wife is very illustrative: "I think I should not talk about it."


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