Dujovne responded to the IMF and ratified that, for the government, GDP would increase by 3.5% in 2020


Finance Minister Nicolás Dujovne has ratified the fact that the government's GDP will increase 3.5% in 2020, more than triple what the International Monetary Fund (IMF) had estimated in its latest report on Argentina. In its technical paper after the last review of the economy, the multilateral agency has reduced its estimate of the country 's growth from 2.2% to 1.1% for the coming year.

"The IMF, in establishing its forecasts, can evaluate this in case another political force governs Argentina our economy can be much worse, "said Dujovne at a press conference in Santa Fe, where he attended the Mercosur Presidents' Summit.We are confident that Argentina is poised to grow rapidly because we have corrected most of our imbalances "he insisted.

A few weeks ago, the Treasury presented to Congress the progress of the 2020 budget, a periodic report that must be submitted to the legislature in the middle of the year, in accordance with the law. There, he predicted that next year, the economy will grow by 3.5%, with a drop in inflation.

"Our forecast for next year's growth is based on our badessment of what will happen to Argentina once the political uncertainty dissipated, once President Mauricio Macri will have We have been re-elected by the Argentineans and we will continue this process of transformation of change in our country, "said Dujovne.

"We are confident that 2020 will be a very good year for Argentines in terms of reducing inflation, growth and increasing employment," added the manager. Telam.

The minister predicted that after the 2.7% monthly inflation rate announced by Indec on Tuesday, the CPI slowdown would continue. According to him, there is "a strong process of disinflation that suggests that in July there will be a further fall in inflation from June levels, while recognizing that it remains very high. ".


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