Chapo Guzmán: all about punishment, his statements, prison and his clothing brand


The Mexican drug dealer Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, one of the world's most powerful criminals, was sentenced to life imprisonment by a New York court after being found guilty of trafficking drugs. drug in the United States. , among other crimes.

"El Chapo", 62, captured three times and incarnated in two spectacular escapes from Mexican jails, was convicted in February by a jury of the 10 counts of indictment against him, including his involvement in a criminal enterprise. drug trafficking, among others.

Judge Brian Cogan of the Brooklyn court accepted the requirements of the US Attorney's Office and sentenced Chapo to one to eight life sentences, as required by law.

Your declarations

Capo Narco spoke in court before going to prison in perpetuity and said that he expected his fame to not be a "determining factor for the administration of the justice "in 2017, but he evaluated this fact" It was not like that. "

The Mexican drug dealer said Wednesday in a cluttered court of Brooklyn federal court that he had not only been "tortured" during his 30-month imprisonment in the United States, but that the judge who had treated his case had ignored accusations of misconduct that According to Guzmán, several members of the jury demonstrated during their trial.


He added that when he was extradited to the United States, he hoped to have a fair trial, but the exact opposite happened. "Since the government will send me to a prison where my name will no longer be heard, I take the opportunity to say that there was no justice here," he said. he declared.

"My case has been corrupted and you have denied me a fair trial when everyone is watching," Guzmán told judge Brian Cogan.

In addition, he defiantly declared that "the United States is no better than any other corrupt country".

He complained of drinking water "unhygienic" every day, not to see the sunlight and to have sore throat, ears and head because of from the polluted air that he breathes, as well as being unable to receive a visit from his wife. jail or kiss his little girls when they visit him in his cell in Manhattan.

The prison that is waiting for you

According to Mexican media reports, he could spend the rest of his life in ADX Florence, maximum security penitentiary in Colorado.

The decision to transfer him to this prison is linked to two episodes in the life of Chapo. As a prisoner in Mexico, he managed to escape twice in 2001 and 2015 to two maximum security prisons.

Clothing brand

However, not only transcended the conviction and detention data but also its clothing brand. Thus, Guzmán is the protagonist of a clothing brand presented at the Intermoda contest in the Mexican city of Guadalajara.

"El Chapo". Images of the local clothing brand that bears his name.

The line of clothing and accessories takes the nickname of capo and the number 701 – the place that Forbes magazine awarded him in the list of the richest men in the world – and was designed by the capo's daughter, Alejandrina Guzmán.


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