The King of Malaysia who renounced the throne for love is divorced at seven months


There was a surprise at first, a surprise at the end and very little time in between. The love story between Mohamed V from Kelantan, who was king of Malaysia until early January, and his wife Rihana Oksana Voevodina, Russian model, I'm done. This is evidenced by documents leaked Wednesday by the press of the country, according to which the couple divorced on July 1. Seven months after their wedding, which was held at the end of last November. The equilibrium of their relationship is summed up in a descendant and an abdication, all dressed with equal mystery and controversy.

The cause of the break is unknown, although it is badumed that it would not have been friendly because was carried out in the most severe way that Islam envisions, the triple talaq. According to this custom, it is sufficient for a man to repeat the expression three times talaq to obtain the separation which, from that moment, is irrevocable. Some Muslim countries such as Pakistan have banned this practice in order to protect women's rights.

The published document, issued by the Sharia Court of Singapore, is a copy of the record corresponding to the bride, but none of the parties has yet broken the official silence. The Kelantan Palace is limited to the disclosure of a press release in which, in an exercise of subtlety, the press was asked not to refer to "certain individuals" with a series of real titles, among which is the queen of Kelantan

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The man who really loves his wife will do everything for his beloved. The love and care are the basis of a strong and healthy relationship. Good husband will always support and be kind to his wife. Is always interested how she feels and takes care of her if she is tired. Always 100% keeps its promises. Always take responsibility for the family and do not put it on the shoulders of his wife During pregnancy, I would give his wife more attention, more gifts and more care. Relationships are based on how people can support and understand each other. The family is the fruit of the work of two people who can give love for free! ❤️ Next time, I will write about the woman … уо М М М ,,,,. Бовь и забота – основа крепких и здоровых отношений. Бящий муж всегда поддержит и будет обходиться бережно со своей женой. Share on Facebook Download on Google Всегда, на 100%, сдерживает перед ней свои обещания. Всегда несет ответственность за свою семью и не перекладывает эту ответственность на слабые плечи женщины Во время беременности он будет уделять жене повышенное внимание, дарить подарки и ухаживать. Крепкие отношения строятся на поддержке и понимании друг друга. Семья – то результат работы двух ледей, способных даровать любовь безвозмездно.

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This intrigue halo also marked the beginning of the relationship. In Malaysia, it was not expected last November that Yang di-Pertuan Agong, the title of the head of state, will be married without being announced at a private ceremony at the 39; abroad. Even less than he did with a model twice as old, known for winning the Miss Moscow beauty pageant in 2015.

Voevodina, 25, is converted to Islam and adopted the Muslim name of Rihana. Her years of work in China and Thailand seem to show interest in Asia and her new husband, although this is not her usual kind: "I love boys who skateboard and bike and participate in competitions, "he said. the most important of his criteria: "I believe that the man must be the head of the family and of course he should not earn less than the woman".

His profile disturbed the royal family from the first moment. Also, his use of social networks, in which he shared photos in which he posted his new position by your official Instagram account, with more than 374,000 followers. For a society accustomed to monarchical discretion, its account was a mine. He told them, for example, how they had met: "He introduced himself as the King of Malaysia, I understood it as a joke and I answered that I Was the queen of Moscow. "

The controversy reached its peak several months after his marriage the images appeared their past participation in a reality TV-show from a russian tv, in which she was seen sleeping with another young man. This scandal was the main reason for her husband's abdication In January of this year, the first king of the history of modern Malaysia to do so since the constitution of the state into a parliamentary monarchy and in rotation.

Not even the birth of their first child in commonon May 21 of this year, only six months after their marriage, The situation is back. Rumors of breaking, incessant in recent months, have finally come true and, very similarly, at the beginning, the end has arrived.


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