AMIA: compensations increase, they declare Hezbollah "terrorist" and there will be a national mourning


President Mauricio Macri signed this week three decrees as part of 25 anniversary of the terrorist attack against AMIA which is celebrated this July 18th, in which at least 85 people have died. The settlement, released this Wednesday, July 17 in the Official Journal, extends victim compensation, establishes the anniversary of the attack as a day of national mourning and declares terrorist Hezbollah.

The first decree defines a compensation for a dozen former Jewish mutual employees not compensated by the state, with a new 180-day period for victims or relatives of the terrorist attack. The second formalizes July 18 as National Day of Mourning in tribute to the victims. "During the day indicated, the national flag will remain hoisted at half-mast in buildings and public places", expresses the text published this Wednesday with the signature of the head of state. The third, planned in recent weeks, creates the Public Register of Persons and Entities Related to Terrorist Acts and their Financing (RePET), who will work in the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.

As detailed in the official publication, RePET aims to provide "access and exchange of information on human persons, legal entities and entities related to acts of terrorism and / or their financing and to facilitate national cooperation and to prevent, combat and eliminate terrorism and its financing"The decree also states that" it must contain the data that reliably identify the human person, legal entity or entity, its updated procedural situation and the judicial or administrative authority which ordered the measure in question ".

Patricia Bullrich confirmed that the government will designate Hezbollah as a "terrorist organization"

The text seeks to "complete" the list of terrorist organizations drawn up in 1999 by the UN, which does not include Hezbollah. The the name of this organization does not appear in the Chancery Council Decree. However, in one of its sections, it is specified that the register must record "any human person, legal entity or entity over which the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) has ordered the administrative freezing of badets" .

The Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich, confirmed this week that President Macri was going to sign a decree defining the Lebanese movement as a terrorist organization in order to "heal a very important injury". "This is the first time we accept that an organization that has attacked Argentina will be convicted for its actions symbolically, because the sentence can only be pronounced by the courts," Bullrich said a few days ago. days, to the information channel. TN.

The organization of Hezbollah backed Nicolás Maduro's regime

Decree coincides with US imposition of new sanctions on Hezbollah, that the Argentine justice has reproached the execution of the attack against the AMIA under the orders of Iran. It is also taking place at the Second Ministerial Conference on Counter-Terrorism, to be held on July 19 in Buenos Aires and attended by North American Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

"We reiterate the rejection of terrorism and any organization that practices violence in these terms," ​​Macri had anticipated on Sunday, July 14 in an interview with CNN in Spanish. Hezbollah was established in the 1980s as a political organization with a paramilitary arm of the Lebanese people. Shia, one of the branches of Islam. The military wing of the group, which originally aimed to end the Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon, is now also active in Syria and is fighting to support the government of President Bashar Al- Assad.

Full decree:



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