Garavano crossed to Cimadevilla and denied a "concealment of concealment"


The Minister of Justice, Germán Garavano, referred to the anniversary of the attack on the AMIA: "The position of the state was in most cases very similar to the sentence finally handed down by the court."

In the statements to the program "There will be consequences" in Destape Radio, the official badured that "The government has taken many measures, through three decrees dictating the president. One concerns the duel and a tribute for the first time of the security forces, schools ".

In this sense, Gravano stated that the government had put "the registration of all terrorist organizations at its disposal" and that "Many media have simplified the fact that the recording should include Hezbolla but it is not accurate and it is not correct". "The register incorporates the UN list, which is now in English and has allowed agencies that do not access this information easily," he added.

In addition, he added that "there are more than a thousand people and organizations that make up the United Nations Security Council registry" and that "this register of" terrorist organizations is a request of the FATF ". "Judges or prosecutors who deal with terrorist cases can request their inclusion in payrolls," he said.

In addition, Garavano stated that "Iranians who have a red alert can be included in the register"What? "The inclusion in this type of document works as follows: if there is an imputation and the person has the right to challenge their inclusion" and "This will mainly concern people who are not entitled to it, such as the Iranian defendants for the AMIA attack."

In this regard, the minister said that "beyond the symbolic importance that the armed wing of Hezbollah can have, Argentine justice invests it as the author of the attacks. "and that" the government wants Hezbollah to be in the register "of the media. "

On the position of the United States, the official baderted that "it is a request from the United States and Mike Pompeo this remains for political badysis. For us, it is a record for the organizations of the country to be vigilant vis-à-vis the suspicious organizations "and that "If the information of Iranians and organizations suspected of being behind the attack (Hezbolla) are loaded, this seems like a good thing."

In response to Mario Cimadevilla's statements that Macri was not interested in an investigation into the attack, Garavano said that these statements were incorrect and that "It's hard to talk about hiding the hiding."

About the changes of state attorneys in the case, the official said that "they were in favor of resignation" and that he "n? There was no pressure.

Consulted on the change of position of the state on the prosecution of prosecutors Mullen and Barbaccia, Garavano did not answer the question and ended the interview.


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