A famous puppeteer from Córdoba was in a coma after suffering a violent robbery in Colombia


A renowned puppeteer from Córdoba is admitted in serious condition in Colombia, after being the victim of a violent robbery on the island of San Andrés. It is about Teresa Grossi, a 67-year-old woman who had gone on vacation with a friend.

The local newspaper The weather detailed who suffered a hard blow to the head after a motorcycle grabbed the wallet and pushed against the sidewalk. The police commander, Jorge Urquijo, said that he was investigate security cameras in the area to find those responsible for the event. In turn, he announced that they will offer a reward to speed up the search.

Teresa Grossi had gone on holiday with a friend on the Colombian island of San Andrés. Credit: Teresa Grossi Facebook
Teresa Grossi had gone on holiday with a friend on the Colombian island of San Andrés. Credit: Teresa Grossi Facebook

Grossi arrived on the island paradise in early June with his friend Susana Erdfehler, 77 years old. And he had planned to return to Argentina on Friday, July 26. However, this Monday, she had to be admitted to the departmental hospital following the robbery.

The doctors specified that he had entered the health center in coma with mbadive cerebral bleeding and had to undergo surgery to control the bleeding. The intervention lasted two hours and had to be repeated this Thursday morning.

Teresa Grossi was in a coma after being badaulted by motorcycles in Colombia. Credit: Teresa Grossi Facebook
Teresa Grossi was in a coma after being badaulted by motorcycles in Colombia. Credit: Teresa Grossi Facebook

"The patient was left again in the induced coma for the next 48 hours – until Saturday – and we expect the evolution to be complete, this time will suspend indefinitely the drugs that contain it in this state. For the moment the forecast is always reserved", Said the surgeon Caesar Sierra. Elisleño.com from San Andrés.

In dialogue with the local media, Susana Erdfehler remembered the unfolding of the episode. "Around ten o'clock Sunday night, while we were a block away from our hostel, we crossed the street and suddenly a motorcycle appeared next to us." I walked next to Teresa, who fell to the ground. react, or see the bike, I just managed to help Teresa get up, "she explained anxiously.

With the help of two pastors who were walking around the area, they were able to immediately transfer the artist to the island hospital. "There, the duty doctors took care of her and they made a suture on a wound above the right eyebrow, the area swelled up, her eyes became black, but the doctors, who have prescribed us an anti-inflammatory, we have go, "added the victim's friend.

However, that night, Teresa could not sleep. I was very angry and hurt. "In the afternoon of Monday He started talking nonsense and then convulsed and the owner of the hostel where we were staying took us to the hospital, where they did a tomography. With the result, the doctor told us:You must already exploit it or you will die. I froze", concluded the puppeteer's traveling companion.


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