25th anniversary of the AMIA bombing: the government will create a register of people related to terrorism


As the 25th anniversary of the AMIA bombing approaches, the national government has issued three resolutions in the Official Journal. Establish July 18 as a day of national mourning, the establishment of a new compensation for the families of the victims and the creation of a registry of people related to terrorism.

By Decree 486/2019, a new compensation is established for the victims who had not yet been able to access this possibility, regulated in September 2015 by a previous rule of the administration and which will have 180 days to submit the application.

Decree 487/2019 for its part establishes July 18 "National Day of Mourning, in honor of the victims of the terrorist attack", stating that "the magnitude of such a criminal event, which will cost the irreparable loss of precious and irreplaceable people, has left in Argentine society marked feelings of repudiation and pain".

From there, it is also indicated that the speech of President Macri at the United Nations General Assembly, next September, will reiterate the request addressed to the Islamic Republic of Iran to cooperate in the investigation on the facts and in pursuit of officials with the Argentine judicial authorities.

Similarly, according to Article 23 of Decree 489/2019 the creation of a public register of individuals and entities related to acts of terrorism and their financing (RePET) is proposed, who will work in the field of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.

The Registry will aim to provide access and exchange of information on human and legal persons and entities related to acts of terrorism and / or their financing and to facilitate national and international cooperation to prevent, combat and eliminate terrorism and its financing.

In the end, he points out that Macri is about to sign another initiative such as the creation of the National Registry of Suspicious Terrorist Persons and Organizations (RENAPOST).

As part of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's visit to our country on Friday, July 19, we hope to see some progress in this area.

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