Final preparations for the Youth Book Fair arriving tomorrow in La Plata


It will run until August 4th and can be visited every day, with free admission from noon to 8pm.

The Children's and Youth Book Fair will arrive in La Plata for the third consecutive year among the main proposals for the winter holidays. In detail, it will be mounted in the Darro Rocha pbadage with a free entry every day from 12h to 20h, until August 4.

At the same time, as part of the proposal, besides the multiplicity of texts available, workshops of creative writing, oral storytelling, kamishibai and the well-known scientific cycle called Floriciencia will be developed.

Clowns, circus performances, acrobatics and treatments will also be offered to children and teenagers who will have fun with the family.

In this regard, Gustavo Silva, Secretary of Culture and Education of La Plata, explained that "the book will always remain the icon of human formation and that this event, in addition to reinforcing this concept , will help develop the habit of reading and dialogue between the author and the reader, a very rewarding opportunity. "

Also within the framework of this editorial proposal, the Association of Draftsmen of Argentina (ADA) will organize a daily cycle of interviews with local illustrations, an increasing phenomenon among the youngest.

Likewise, the fair will count during the weekend with the special participation of recognized authors of the genre children and adolescents who will sign copies and will make presentations and memoirs to the current public.


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