Arab community rejects Hezbollah's inclusion as a terrorist group


The measures taken by the government to make Hezbollah a terrorist organization have raised concerns in the country. Argentine Arab Communitynot only because it is a political party with parliamentary representation in Lebanon, but also because they fear a intensification of the persecution towards Argentine Muslims.

"It's crazy and it violates the Constitution.You can not make such an important decision without going through Parliament," he said. PROFILE Galeb Moussa, journalist and former president of the Federation of Argentine Arab Entities of Buenos Aires.

In this sense, Moussa anticipated that the inclusion of Hezbollah This will pose diplomatic problems. "By attacking Hezbollah They attack the Lebanese government. Argentina has a lax excuse and an exit considered terrorist by the "armed arm", "he said, adding:" This is already coming from the bombing of the country. AMIA, where our community has been identified as an accomplice and logistics provider, but it's a lie ".

This is the list of terrorist organizations already on the Internet

Moussa has no doubt that the Macri decree was motivated by pressure from the United States and Israel. "Hezbollah is a political party with an armed wing that has expelled the Israeli invasion of Lebanon and defeated United States-backed mercenaries and Israel in Syria," he said. adding: "Hezbollah does not care about Argentina and did not leave her country to fight, except during the invasion of Syria as it protected its own border" .

The truth is that the United Nations (UN) Security Council does not consider Hezbollah a terrorist organization. It was therefore necessary to declare the declaration of Argentina to create a local registry.

From Federation of Argentine Arab Entities of Buenos Aires They also expressed their rejection and, in a statement, stated that the decision was opposed to "Argentina's historic position of impartiality in diplomatic matters, as well as its traditional attachment to international law and to the rule of law. the United Nations Charter, which prohibits any outside interference in the affairs of sovereign states ".

"The Lebanese political movement Hezbollah is an official political party currently part of the government of the Lebanese Republic, led by President Michel Aoun, which has 13 seats out of 128 in the Levantine nation's parliament," said the president. .

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And he continues: "The decision of such a clear positioning of Argentina against the agendas and pressures of the United States of America and the state of Israel , advanced by decree and not by the logical and necessary debate in the natural environment that is the Legislative power would mean a step forward in the weakening of the democratic process of the Argentine Republic and the l & # 39; The fundamental sovereign independence of our country in making foreign policy decisions. "

In addition, the document warns that this decision "will open the door to further demonstrations of unjustified persecution by national security apparatuses against honorable members of our community, as it has done." already produced recently with two sad episodes as part of the G20 visit in November 2018, not to mention other earlier cases of lesser intensity but just as worrying ".

He concludes: "Unfortunately, we observe the dynamics of decisions such as the one that brings us together, which, far from responding to the interests of our people, only seek to blindly follow the foreign agendas of the ruling powers in Washington and Tel. Aviv, and theirs instead, they imitate the already traditional customs of those states to violate international law with impunity, as the people of Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, or Iraq can testify. "



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