Lost a leg during a shootout and discovered that they were using their photo in cigarette packs


An Albanian citizen who lost a leg in a shootout discovered that they were using the image of his mutilated body in a pack of cigarettes as part of a campaign against smoking. Although the European Commission denies that it is the image of his body, the man requires that he be kidnapped.

According to he said AFP The lawyer from Albania, the picture is that of when his client went to a consultation in an orthopedic center to receive a prosthesis. "This is not a money issue. He wants this photo deleted. Feel your dignity deeply hurt, "he said.

The lawyer of the person concerned insists on knowing the original image and ensures that his client wishes it to be withdrawn. (Source: Radio France)
The lawyer of the person concerned insists on knowing the original image and ensures that his client wishes it to be withdrawn. (Source: Radio France)

However, the European Commission he denies it. "We have the identity, the agreement and the rights of all the people photographed for this anti-smoking campaign.With the information we have, we can say without a shadow of a doubt that this person does not belong to it, "they said.

In this regard, the lawyer replied: "You will have to justify me that this photo dates from 2014 and that she does not refer to my client". In addition, he explained that the Albanian was injured during a shooting in Albania in 1997.

The European Commission badured that the similarity was circumstantial since all these photographs were validated. (Source: Radio France)
The European Commission badured that the similarity was circumstantial since all these photographs were validated. (Source: Radio France)

"We verify the tour of this photo: who took it, who pbaded it on, who checked its authenticity, who checked the consent statement that the person must sign for a photo to be used for sanitary purposes ", he declared.

The lawyer said he was waiting for the response from the European Commission's image bank before presenting a possible complaint.


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