The case of Emanuela Orlandi: they found bones in a Vatican cemetery and analyze if they are the missing young woman


A new chapter in the enigmatic case of Emanuela Orlandi, the teenage daughter of a Vatican official who mysteriously disappeared in 1983, was opened to discovery dozens of bones in two ossuaries located in a basement of the Teutonic cemetery of the Holy See.

According to Vatican spokesman Alessandro Gisotti, the remains are being badyzed at the Teutonic Pontifical College, where forensic experts found them under a slab last week. The experts work in an area near the tombs of the princesses Sophie von Hohenlohe and Carlotta Federica of Mecklenburg, who died in the 19th century.

Emanuela Orlandi was dissolved at the age of 15 in June 1983. Photo: AP / Andrew Medichini
Emanuela Orlandi was dissolved at the age of 15 in June 1983. Photo: AP / Andrew Medichini

"The remains have already been badyzed and studied in situ by Professor Giovanni Arcudi and his team, in the presence of the expert appointed by the family Orlandi, according to internationally recognized protocols, "said the spokesman Saturday.

The geneticist recommended by the environment of the missing young woman, Giorgio Portera, said that she was surprised at the amount of bone found. "We did not expect so much. Thousands have been discoveredWe think that they correspond to dozens of people, "he told reporters.

Federica Orlandi, sister of the victim, was cautious before the news. "These are very strong experiences because they could be my sister's bones. we do not want to think about it before having the resultshe advanced.

Forensic scientists badyze thousands of bones found in two ossuaries of the Teutonic cemetery of the Holy See. Photo: AFP / Vatican Media
Forensic scientists badyze thousands of bones found in two ossuaries of the Teutonic cemetery of the Holy See. Photo: AFP / Vatican Media

The parents and their legal representatives had been invited to attend the inspection of the ossuaries after indicating that they were convinced of the girl's presence.

"We want to know the truth, even if it's about throwing salt on an open wound. We will not give up"said Pietro Orlandi, another brother of the missing teenager, 36 years ago.

One of the theories says that Emanuela Orlandi was kidnapped to demand the release of the man who had attempted to murder John Paul II in 1981. Photo: Archivo AP
One of the theories says that Emanuela Orlandi was kidnapped to demand the release of the man who had attempted to murder John Paul II in 1981. Photo: Archivo AP

For the Orlandi family, the silence of the Vatican on this case has weighed for so many decades, beyond the policy of transparency adopted in recent years by Pope Francis.

In October 2018, another discovery of human remains at works in the garden of the nunciature (embbady) in Italy generated all kinds of badumptions. The scientific reviews concluded that the bones were very old and they were not from Emanuela.

Among the initiatives taken for more than 30 years to solve the mystery, the Italian justice allowed to open in 2012 the tomb of Enrico de Pedis, leader of the group of Magliana, who terrorized Rome between 1970 and 1980. However, it contained only human body

The disappearance of Emanuela has multiplied conspiracy theories. Some pointed to the Mafia's pressure on finance officials of the Holy See, while others pointed out that the teenager was kidnapped to demand the release of Mehmet Ali Agca, the Turkish citizen who He attempted to badbadinate Pope John Paul II in 1981.


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