What happens when you search for zone 51 on Google Maps?


In 2013, the world was surprised when the CIA confirmed the existence of the mythical zone 51. It was then that we learned from official sources that this military base located in the Nevada Desert in the United States was created in the mid-1950s by order of President Dwight Eisenhower.

Over the decades, speculation has been forged that has settled in the popular imagination. That's whoever holds that at this point, the US government is hiding space ships, and even aliens, and secretly investigating them.

These ideas are still valid in full in 2019. In fact, virality has recently gainedI just organized on Facebook to meet me in area 51, invade the military base and discover the mysteries that the United States hides in the world.

As we have in TN TecnoThe move had a good dose of joke, but added millions of interested and even air force response from that country.

But the truth is that the authorities involved have never confirmed to have hidden extraterrestrials on this site. They talk about airplane tests for espionage and other military activities. In 2015, Charles Bolden, then director of NASA, confirmed the existence of zone 51 but he threw the conspiracy theories.

"There is an area 51, but it is not dedicated to what many people think. This is a normal place of research and development. I have never seen aliens or spaceships inside. I think the legend was created because there is aeronautical research and there is a lot of secrecy, "Bolden said.

Now that the name of area 51 has returned to the agenda after the viral proposal, we have tried find this database in Google Maps and see what happens. The results are not 100% satisfactory, although there are some surprises during the search.

A virtual trip to the Nevada desert

Exploration can be frustrating in the first place. When you enter "Area 51" on the Google Maps platform, different stores close to our store have this name. By deepening the search, the result could confuse us with "Area 51 Alien Center, US 95, Amargosa Valley, Nevada, USA UU.", Which shows a store more or less close to the US military site.

To get to the place we are looking for, it is best to write the following coordinates: 37.24804, -115.800155. Then Google Maps takes you to the mysterious Zone 51 without delay.

Very few things appear, although there is something else to play in the "satellite" option. We then attend a curious and colorful note: when we try to take the yellow doll that in Maps opens the panoramic view of Street View, the icon becomes an ufo.

The clbadic Yellow Street View, in Area 51, becomes a UFO (Photo: Google Maps Capture).
The clbadic Yellow Street View, in Area 51, becomes a UFO (Photo: Google Maps Capture).

It's obviously a Google joke, but in the end it shows us that little and nothing we can explore. When we move on the map, we find that it is indeed a desert area of ​​the United States, with very few cities nearby.


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