Yankee police demand not to fly "until the heat wave passes" | Chronic


The Mbadachusetts police department, overwhelmed by the high temperatures recorded in the United States, made an unusual request to the criminals.

According to the US media, the police station reportedly announced: "People, because of the extreme heat, ask anyone considering engaging in criminal activities to wait until Monday".

By posting the social network Facebook, they also advise criminals to stay at home and watch the third season of "Stranger things", play with the FaceApp application or practice karate.

"To carry out criminal activities in this extreme heat is the next offender status, but it is also very dangerous"said the delusional statement.

Despite the fact that, for the moment, the initial publication can not be consulted, the authenticity of this publication has been confirmed by CNN, who was informed by a representative of the Ministry, the copies appear on social networks .

The unusual statement issued by the police.


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