The boy who dodged the fall of the tree and other stories left by the Zonda


The boy who dodged the fall of the tree and other stories left by the Zonda | MDZ online

A little light after the tragedy. After a weekend with the highest explosions of Zonda recorded in recent years – leaving a death toll, fire in Potrerillos and in other districts and hundreds of evacuees -, many families are awake this morning to clean up the damage.

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Las Heras was one of the departments where the damage was presented more generally and that is why the municipality declared Sunday the state of environmental emergency.

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Broken squares and covered with trees, collapsed houses and streets threatened by possible new accidents are among the postcards that can still be seen in Las Heras.

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Discover the unusual anecdotes of those who can tell what happened this weekend in the form of a fortuitous anecdote. From the boy who managed to escape the fall of a tree, to the figure of a virgin who rose in the middle of an apocalyptic scene, all in the video.

* Photos: Pachy Reynoso


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