Google employees reveal intimate conversations with the virtual assistant


As we count in TN Techno it's been a few days, Google has admitted to accessing the records of his virtual badistantAssistant The company acknowledged this indiscretion after the publication of a report on a Belgian television channel denouncing this "spying" on devices in this country and the Netherlands.

As with Amazon (who does the same thing in people who use the Alexa badistant) Google justified its actions pointing out that while listening to conversations, they get data to improve system performance. For example, to understand more effectively different languages ​​and different accents.

Now the employees of the American firm intimate discussions revealed between users with the virtual badistant They market. As we will see later, infidences are as natural as they are unusual.

Research, discussion and intimacy

In a report of The country from Spain many appear user conversations with Google Assistant, that the critics of the Californian firm listen.

The transcribed examples include commands that we can call traditional, such as "open the garage" or "reduce the brightness of the living room light to 50%". But there are also more striking ones.

The smart speakers (one in Amazon, with Alexa, and the other in Google, with wizard) are fundamental products for deploying virtual wizards (Photo: AP Photo / Mark Lennihan ).
The smart speakers (one in Amazon, with Alexa, and the other in Google, with wizard) are fundamental products for deploying virtual wizards (Photo: AP Photo / Mark Lennihan ).

By case "I'm sorry, darling, I can not talk anymore because my partner is already at home"Or the question" what is the best badgraphy site? "There are also raids in the Neymar case and comments from people who tell the badistant that they will arrive at home a little late.

Critics commented that they were working by listening to searches on various Google services and sometimes found "family discussions, even couple discussions"

"Language experts examine and transcribe a small group of questions to help us better understand these languages. This is an essential part of the process of creating voice technology and it is necessary to create products such as wizard, "Google said in a statement. And he explained that he only reviews 0.2% of the interactions.

Those consulted by The country They stressed that each of them hears an average of 6,000 audios per week. The report does not detail the number of employees hired by Google for these purposes, although it takes into account some specific projects, such as the categorization of users who speak with the wizard. For example, they should indicate whether it is a man, a woman or a baby. The examiners also indicated that research on bad is very recurrent.

Finally, they argued that the hiring method for these exams is precarious and that sometimes employees do not reach the minimum wage. In the same vein, employees said that after the complaint on Belgian TV, Google had put an end to hiring for these tasks.


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