Carrió declared that Kirchnerism uses fascist techniques in its history


Elisa Carrió is again attacked to Kirchnerism who has not hesitated to compare herself to totalitarian systems such as Nazism and Fascism in their communication strategies. "That's what Hitler did.You repeat the same thing every day and tired people repeat what they hear.When you repeat the fascist and Nazi technique, brought by the Duce (Benito Mussolini) then by Goebbels, you repeat in front of a tired people, "said the national deputy.

Sending to Channel 9, the main ally of the national government said: "When they speak, the Kirchner areas have a piece of paper and always repeat the same thing." It's a fascist technique ", did he declare.

Carrió felt that "there is not so much crack" in the country, but "there are crazy people on one side and on the other. is a fictional crack – there is a crack in Europe with immigrants – all of this is armed because we believe them revolutionary, very funny, "he said.

To integrate

Lilita was consulted on the economic situation and the results achieved so far by the Macri government.

"We all have a very bad time, but it was inevitable." The first year said, "How not to make this disaster? "And there was the error of the Lebac How does the crisis not occur if we were given a country looted? Yes today we had the badurance that Macri would win, but the years later, we can be in good health Now, if Cristina wins, she will go to the Argentines, "he said.

In this sense, the legislator has recognized that "the government must change a lot of things" if it wins in October. "He must have ideas, I'm tired of the consensus of nothing," he said.

On the direction of Mauricio Macri, he said: "In terms of logistics, a lot of progress has been made: you can not travel on trains, you can not follow the routes, it was a dead country. still a lot to do but what has been done in four years you realize what they stole in 12. It was not possible to do everything at the same time because they stole a GDP If we rob you a house , do it again does not cost you 4 years, it costs you 8 ".


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