They were filmed doing love in a lake in front of children: they ended up being broken | Chronic


A couple was filmed while he was doing love at Lake Fairport Harbor Park, in Ohio, United States, in front of miners and in daylight. The video was viralized on social networks, in which it was viewed more than 260,000 times and hundreds of comments.

"On Saturday, while I was enjoying a sunny day with the boys, I noticed that a couple were making strange movements in the water."wrote Jesus Medina on your Facebook profile. In addition to the news, he posted the video that he recorded on the sensual episode.

In the pictures, the couple is in the center of the scene while it makes love to the sight of boys and families who spend the day instead.

According to the medium Daily maila lifeguard called the police in a few minutes and reported the case. It is true that we can see an agent on the shore of the lake asking the couple to get out of the water, it does not know if they were arrested or have to pay a fine for having bad in public.


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