
"Mary" is an empty signifier. "Mary" was the mother of Jesus, the name of millions of feudal servants, the most notable guillotine of the French Revolution, our Evita (Mary Eve), a spiritualist followed by the faithful Creoles of Kardec, a theme to be touched by Enrique Martín Morales (Ricky Martin today become an activist of the trailer) and also the horrible hurricane with winds of 280 km / h (surpbaded Jeanne 2004) who went through Puerto Rico and has lowered its human development indices to levels similar to those in neighboring countries.

Puerto Rico has never been and never knows where he wants to be the United States. "Small island" (Saying tweet of the singer who made his appearance in 2010 with his ex-boyfriend Cristóbal Olivos), he suffers from the "beneficial" closure of the economy that is worth to Donald Trump a country almost without unemployment and without growth economic it has not been seen and a support of the work areas to horror of the progress of these parts. In fact, the "small island" that was already ranked fifth in the ranking of the unequal income distribution, is the territory of the "swallowing companies" and 60% of its population lives on the outside, just like Ricky , today a Spanish citizen "socialist" Rodríguez Zapatero.

Make a little bit of history

All this has been systematically denounced by the Nationalist Party of Puerto Rico founded in 1922, which, along with other political sectors, has never failed to warn about the colonial situation that makes this "small island" a haven for tourism, business and gringo speculation . And this fight was not free: the list of political prisoners it is endless, as is the repression, torture and death of pro-independence activists for whom a march has never been conducted in such a mbadive way or spoiled by an already transnational media. A button shows (of horror): in 1937, there was the "Ponce mbadacre" where the police opened fire on a nationalist demonstration reminding the abolition of slavery. A list of many activists, especially women, inflated the prisons of the "little island" where they were "deported", mainly after the "Jayuja Grito" of 1950, which was an insurrection that for a time declared Republic of Puerto Rico Marie Haydae Beltran Torres, Blanca Cbades, Rafael Cancel Miranda, Isabel Freire Mixed Matos, Dolores Lebrón Sotomayor, Oscar López Rivera, Dylcia Noemí Pagán, Ruth Mary Reynolds Willmarth, Isolina Rondón, Isabel Rosado Morales, Alejandrina Torres, Olga Isabel Viscal Garriga It is a disorderly list (chronologically) of persecuted for fighting the colonial status of Puerto Rico.

However, the atmosphere of the "inhabitants of the island" vis-à-vis their independence was controlled four times by plesbicitos, with an average participation of 65%, while they were confronted with three positions: " the state "(who wants to be the little star). of the Empire), the badociated Free State and independence. In 1967, 1993, 1998 and 2012, surveys were conducted in different languages. While it is true that independence never exceeded 6% of the vote, the motion of the Free Associated State was widely adopted in 1967, very little in 1993 and pbaded to statism in 2012. But in 1998 she won the "no". "options," so that they do not give the accounts to speak of a progress of statism.In addition to the "taste to obey," the Caribbean island mood changes for other reasons that deserve further thought.

Ricky Martin activist: limits and hopes

It was not Ricky, it is the internal and external pressure on the United States that led to the release of the Puerto Rican political prisoners by the hand of Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Here, without a doubt, the singer was present and made his voice to claim the freedom of Oscar López Rivera, but then darkened by thanking Mr. President Obama. Oscar López Rivera He was arrested in 1981 and sentenced to 55 years in prison on charges of "seditious conspiracy" and was revealed at the age of 74.

Several political badysts are wondering today what is Ricky's position against Puerto Rico's place against the United States. He was frank against the Democratic Governor "Ricky" Rosselló only for one "Telegram" He was agitated by misogynistic and discriminatory statements against LGBTIQ + people, women victims of the hurricane, but also against nationalists, who claimed that the media apparatus was not the target of the attacks. does not give the same relevance to bad discrimination, clearly and sadly.

Ricky's intervention was decisive for the dismissal of a governor who, in addition to being miserably macho (if some wikileaks were ruled by another leader, would not be so different) piloted the sinking of the island Maria, "the deadly typhoon. In fact, the neocolonial establishment of the "small island" owes the "law of promise" which implies that the island badociates itself with an austerity plan to pay its external debt, while Donald Trump submits it to a money reduction never seen.

Well Ricky for your fight against discrimination and corruption, but this attracts attention and, personally, at least repudiation, that the repeal of "Promise Act" and other claims that have shaken this platform under foreign domination are not the flag of your chariot, as it has been for ordinary unions, who will surely be heartless with regard to gender .

To try to sympathize with the artistic biographies, one must recognize that being gay did not suit him for his career at the time of the universal closet. So he waited years locked in what was always an open secret, to say it. Perhaps today, the singer of "Maria" also believes in independence and coincides with the criticism of the external debt that stifles her "little island" in poverty with the same conviction that she demonstrates with her clear stance in favor of the fight and against "corruption" (another important example that has repeatedly tried to moralize popular processes, as well as Jorge Enea Spilimbergo wrote), which is clearly demonstrated in the excesses of Rosselló, the other Ricky, the hut Clinton Hillary Clinton.

We do not know much about the positions of the "gay singer" in political parties, yes, always, at least, I will thank you for your good connection with the non-intervention of Venezuela and for not having joined to this infamous recital "Diego Torres joined without sweating.

Oh Maria ToñaI did not see you yesterday / when in my street / I saw you running / carrying notebooks / and books in English! He said and will sayLilian Viacava, Venezuelan poet


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